Ten on Tuesday.

Randomness...but mostly all related to my eyes... ;)
1. I switched to contacts yesterday. It's been like 14 years since I've worn contacts, so it's really weird. Mostly, I keep trying to push my glasses up and they're not there. ;)
2. I switched because the mornings are getting cooler and my glasses fog up while running. So. Until they invent some glasses with windshield wipers (wouldn't that be awesome?!), I'm giving the contacts a go. (And, it doesn't really work for me to switch back and forth too much. My prescription is strong enough that it messes with my head. I need to adjust to one thing or the other and stick mostly with that.)
3. This all means that I have to re-figure out how to wear eye makeup because my face feels naked and I haven't really bothered with eye makeup for more than a decade. (Any tips or recommendations are totally appreciated! Seriously, I'm starting from scratch here. Don't really want to get too fussy or anything but definitely feel like I need to make some sort of effort because it just looks weird to me otherwise.)
4. Sadly, my optometrist convinced me that colored contacts weren't the best choice for me because I'd obviously need the opaque ones and I live almost a mile high (which affects the oxygen permeation or some such thing) and I'm pretty blind and colored contacts apparently just aren't as advanced as other ones. Sigh. So. I'm going with the good ones that are good for my eyes. I know it's the right thing to do but I'm kinda bummed. My poor optometrist (who happens to be a neighbor) had to listen to my whole spiel about wanting to get colored contacts because trying to color my hair without going the whole bleaching route wasn't working so well. I just wanted some change, kwim? Yeah. I'm pretty sure he tuned me out and now thinks I'm odd. ;)
5. Micah is not overly happy about the change. Ironically, he had an entire conversation or three with me and didn't notice a thing until Noah walked up and immediately asked where my glasses were.
6. I do still have my glasses, though. I actually really like them. I had to use them again late last night...when Noah called us from the boys' bedroom...where he'd vomited all over the hallway on his way to the bathroom (at least the second and third rounds made it in the sink). Awesome. He's still feeling a bit off today and we have no idea why...came on pretty suddenly. Fortunately (and we do know that we're fortunate in our healthy boys!), this is a rare occurrence. But. Does anyone happen to know a better way to clean purple (juice colored) vomit out of carpet? Aside from spending a good bit on hands and knees scrubbing and applying carpet cleaner and discussing the costs of just recarpeting and the pros of just putting down hardwood throughout the house? Bleh.
7. Sorry about the whole vomit discussion. ;) Nathan and I were both very aware that it could have been worse...for instance, he could have done it all over either brother on his way down from his bunk bed and to the door... ;)
8. Moving on...did you know that switching from glasses to contacts makes everything look bigger?! Whoa! It's gonna take my poor brain a bit to process all this and for everything not to look weird.
9. For those who wear contacts, anything I should know? I've worn them before but that was ages ago when it was deemed okay to just wear them all day and night and then throw them out at the end of the week...so I don't have any experience with taking them out and keeping them in the little holder thing and all that. Should I keep solution and a holder thing with me at all times? Should I shower with them in? Tips? (Yes, I have a follow up appointment with my optometrist next week and will ask him all these questions, too. I'd like to just ask intelligent questions, though, as I'm sure he's already convinced that I'm off my rocker thanks to my whole hair color diatribe, lol.)
10. Since I'm still a little blue about not being able to have green eyes, lol, I'm looking for something fun to celebrate...I thought maybe some cool sunglasses? Other ideas?

Reader Comments (5)
I normally don't post, but I'm coming out of lurkdom. Haha. So with contacts... I've been wearing contacts for about 14 years or so (since I was 18). In my opinion, you should take them out nightly. Eyes need to breathe and get oxygen. I'm sure you'll be working out the details with your optometrist on how often you want to change a pair out (ex. every two weeks, monthly, etc). I personally have the two weeks, but yes, I take them out nightly. I actually get lectured at my once a year appt by my optometrist for not changing them out on time... I tend to wear a pair of contacts for longer than the 2 weeks (*ahem* a month or two). I also get lectured for wearing them for more than 12 hours a day.
I think once you get used to contacts, you'll find that having a cool pair of glasses will be awesome (for the days that maybe your eyes need a break from contacts or you just want to wear your glasses as something different). And of course a pair of cool sunglasses too. :)
I shower with my contacts in, but I know some people don't. It'll be up to you. Also, if I fall asleep with contacts in, this is not usually an issue unless my eyes become dry during said nap, and then they feel glued to my eyeballs. When that happens, my eyes are not happy, and I have to take the contacts out to wear my glasses. Haha. I normally carry an empty contacts case, a small bottle of solution, and my glasses with me in my purse. I think you'll find that you'll want to carry contact solution, in case you feel that they got dirty somehow, and want to take them out to clean. I carry my glasses just in case my contacts somehow end up bothering me and I need to take them out altogether. God knows I can't drive without corrected vision. :) I wear my glasses at night (before bed) and in the mornings (after waking up). If you feel like one is dirty, don't keep rubbing it. Take it out, clean it, and flush your eye out. I did not do this, and it resulted in a scratched cornea. My optometrist laughed at me because I should have known better. HAHA! So true too, and it was painful. So I try to share that little tidbit when I can. :) Honestly, that's pretty much it on the tips. Once you wear contacts for so long, you'll question yourself on why you didn't make the change sooner... you can see things better, you don't have to worry about fog/temp changes, and you have better use of peripheral vision. And then after buying tons of contacts and solution, you'll question yourself on why you haven't bought stock in the company who makes them and why you haven't gotten Lasik already. Ha.
Good luck to you! It'll be fine. And hope Noah is feeling better! :)
P.S. Sorry for the novel. LOL.
I use a type of contact lens that was big in the 80's (I think....) and then droppped off, but thankfully they still make them. Super durable, and I'm about a year overdue for a new pair. Try to not wear them for more than 12 hours at a time, but it's usually more like 16. I don't usually wear them in the shower (which makes a great excuse for not noticing when it needs to be cleaned....), because I'll sometimes forget and rub my eyes. The worst feeling is your contact stuck in the corner of your eye! And I don't carry a case around, only sometimes if we're flying. They dry out and itch sometimes.
Makeup....a soft eye pencil for liner, neutral shadow over lids and some mascara. Mascara is the key!
Good for you! How about using it as an excuse to update the photos on the top of your blog?
Can't wait ti see you in November!
Poor Noah! I hope he feels better, and really hope it doesn't spread through the house.
I think you look lovely both with and without glasses. I'm sorry you can't have colors. That's sad. Like having braces and no colored rubber bands :(.
Hi Amanda! I haven't seen you for so long that I almost forgot what you look like with or without glasses! WE need to get our girls together and have some scrap time!