Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from January 1, 2020 - January 31, 2020


Catching up

Yup, I know it's been quiet here lately. Will work on that. :) In the meantime, here's some catching up on what's been going on around here...

Noah's back at school. After catching a movie altogether, we dropped him off at his dorm for spring semester last Monday, and classes started January 21. So far, he seems to be genuinely enjoying at least half of his classes (and will be totally fine, if not inspired, in the other half). 

Asher and I just finished scheduling five college campus visits for the next couple months. Whoa. This whole last half of junior year thing snuck up on us, but we've got lists and are almost mentally ready for the ride, lol. We spent the weekend with Asher actively sorting through colleges of interest and narrowing it down. His criteria were interesting and not altogether surprising. I'll keep you posted...

Micah's pretty sore today. After Christmas, he added weightlifting to his already active routine...bought some dumbbells and a weight bench for the basement, found a workout list, and has been doing that with Nathan four days a week. Mostly, that's all good. But this past Saturday he also had tryouts for this next season of Team Ascent. (In the fall, they boulder and in the spring they switch to ropes climbing. The team has tryouts again to reorganize the teams for the different discipline.) Tryouts were four. hours. long. He's still recovering. ;) But. Look how strong the kid is...

This was taken the Saturday before tryouts. Results from tryouts, btw, will be out on Wednesday. 

Nathan's been busy with work. I can't share details, but there's significant stuff going on and we're in a bit of a waiting game to see how it'll pan out. Fingers crossed.

As for me, I've managed to enjoy lunches with a couple of good friends (woohoo!), continue to go to boot camp and the gym and climbing, and know that I still haven't decided on a word for 2020. More on that before the end of the month? :) 



Amid all the birthday fun, I wanted to also celebrate godmothers. Mine traveled up from Oregon to go to mom's party. (They met in college and obviously hit it off enough that she's my godmother.) I was pretty excited, because it had actually been 25 years since we'd seen each other...though we've written regularly over the years. We were able to visit as we set up for the party and during the party and the next day at lunch and while watching football together that afternoon. And it was good. :) 

And during the weekend in Prosser, I also managed to take pictures with my two godsons, Case and Cade. (My goddaughter, Haylee, wasn't available, unfortunately.) Hoping I can be as good a godmom to all of them as mine is to me!  


Happy birthday to my mom

So. I just got home from Washington. Last week, you see, my mom turned seventy. My sister organized a surprise party, and I flew home to be there and help out with decorations (shipped stuff to my other sister and my college roommate, both of whom live in Prosser...thanks again, ladies!). I'll spare you all the little details...and will just say that the party was terrific! 

It was at the Filipino-American Hall in Wapato (that my mom's dad helped get started almost 68 years ago), and the Filipino community cooked delicious food. We had a pretty good turnout (though, unfortunately, a number of people had to cancel at the last minute due to weather on the passes and other things)...

Considering that mom had her knee replacement surgery a month ago, she was doing really well. :) Lots of fabulous visiting and a reminder of the importance of relationships! I tried to capture most of them...here are some...

(We were missing my brother but remembered to take a family picture.)

And eight of my nieces and nephews were there (of my mom's 16 grandkids...only one of the older nine grandkids could make it--the others had basketball games or live in CO)...

...and the littles certainly helped keep everyone entertained. :) 

And that was my mom's 70th birthday. :) Many thanks to all who helped celebrate!


Grandparent Visit

Since Boxing Day...

Just catching up a bit. :) After Christmas, we had a couple low key days of cleaning and such. Nathan's parents got here on Sunday, December 29 and we had a lovely visit.

Mostly we hung out at home and played lots of games. Also, we all went to watch the Mr Rogers movie (highly recommended!)...Nathan and I were able to go out to celebrate our anniversary (a day early since we generally don't try to make plans on New Year's Eve)...boys had individual time with grandparents for lunches...and Nathan, John, Nancy and I went to the Candlelight Dinner Theater to see Holiday Inn (which was terrific!).

Also, on the 31st, we ventured up to the Museum of Discovery here in Fort Collins because we'd never actually been there and they had a special exhibition about video games, lol. First we enjoyed the main exhibits...

...and then we enjoyed the video game exhibits, with everyone trying out some of the interactive games...

But, perhaps the most fun was when we found the corner with the Guitar Hero game. We'd never played before and took turns...

Not surprisingly, Asher (who's played the most instruments and taken the most music lessons) clearly surpassed us. But the rest of us had a great time, regardless.

And then we took some pictures...

...and at midnight, we welcomed the new year. Our tradition had been chocolate fondue. But, with Micah joining Nancy this year in being gluten and sugar free, we added a charcuterie board to our midnight snack and thoroughly enjoyed it.

(Many thanks to The Fox & The Crow for helping with meat and cheese selection. Yum!!)

And then on Friday, we wandered Pearl St in Boulder after meeting up with Nathan for lunch (he returned to work on the 3rd) before taking John & Nancy to their hotel near the airport. 

They flew out early the next morning and made it safely home to Washington. 

And now we've spent the weekend catching up, cleaning, de-decorating, climbing and watching the latest Star Wars movie. Asher & Micah start back to school in the morning. Whew.