Happy Halloween!

Random Halloween notes:
We tend to have themes around here. I'm like that. This year's theme was, um, Star Wars. Big surprise. ;) Anyhow, we'd had fairly inexpensive or free costumes for the past few years, so I sprung for buying the costumes the boys wanted this year. I even got one for me. ;) (Nathan refused my offers...party pooper.) Yes, I know the theme thing won't last forever, so I'm taking advantage of the fact that the boys are willing to go along with it for now. Here we are, earlier this afternoon:
Micah was Plo Koon (he opted, though, not to wear the mask because he said it smelled funny, lol). I was a fellow Jedi (I named myself O-mommy Kanommi, lol...mostly I just bought the cool Jedi robe...a child's large fit quite nicely and was on sale). Asher was the Sith Lord, Count Dooku. (He picked him because he didn't require a mask but then wouldn't wear the beard or let me color his hair.)And Noah was, obviously, Darth Vader. Mostly, I think, they all just wanted lightsabers. I'd refused to buy them until now and didn't let them play with them until today. I'm mean like that. ;) (The lightsabers light up, btw...which helped during trick or treating, as all of our costumes were fairly dark.)
As I said, this picture was taken this afternoon. I gave up on trying to take pictures in costumes just before trick or treating. No one wants to stand around for a picture and the lighting is just plain bad. So. I make them dress up in the afternoon and take pictures then take off the costumes to eat dinner and such before going back out later. ;) Of course, just a group shot wasn't sufficient. Had to have some front yard battles between the forces of good (Micah and me) and evil (Asher and Noah):
Pumpkins. I need to remember that carving pumpkins is a pain and takes more time than I think it will. ;) I'm thinking we may paint pumpkins next year or buy some of those fake ones. Seems wrong, but also so much easier. :) We'll see. In the meantime...here's how this year's came out:
Yup. Do you see the theme? Micah's and Asher's were too small for carving (or at least too small for the designs they wanted carved), so I just drew those with a Sharpie. (One's a Republic symbol and one's a clone trooper helmet.) Noah carved "Jack" (the happy little pumpkin there in the middle that he was quite pleased with...it was his first attempt at carving one himself). I carved the big three. I'm crazy like that. Nathan's in charge of scooping all the guts and such (and lifting them and hauling them around before Halloween). And I ended up carving while Nathan handled lighting (more on that in a minute). Oy. I think they came out great, but that's one night of my life I'll never get back, LOL! Here's a better picture of Yoda:
Since Micah's finally *mostly* over his freaking out about scary Halloween stuff and since we were home this year, we finally did some actual decorating for Halloween. Here's what it looked like during the day:
Those spiderwebs are kinda cool. We'd never used them before but sprang for these green ones that are supposed to work well with blacklights. Sounded fun. We also hung our friend Skully out along the walk. He's been sitting in our dining room this month and, um, he talks. ;) Anyhow. At night, this is what it looked like:
Sorry for the poor quality but I couldn't even use my tripod to try to get a better pic. The tripod was being used to hold up the blacklights shining on the webs. We also had strobe lights in two of the pumpkins and one in the tree along with blacklights replacing the normal outdoor lights in the fixtures. Yeah, we went a little crazy (well, crazy for us anyhow, lol). Next year I'm thinking we need a fog machine and some spooky music. ;)
Anyhow. Strangely warm here this Halloween. Which meant a HEAP of trick or treaters out and about...more than 100 at our door for sure (we kept a loose count but stopped after 100). On the plus side, it was warm enough that I didn't have to figure out how to fit coats beneath costumes (Micah and I didn't even have long sleeves under ours) and was even willing to walk with the boys, myself, while Nathan stayed home to hand out candy. (I've been known to stay home instead as I didn't want to walk out in the cold, lol.) I figure I'm good now and, if it's snowing again next Halloween, I can reasonable tell Nathan that it's his turn. ;)
And. For the record, though he refuses to wear a costume, Nathan tends to start trying to scare trick or treaters after the main wave is over and he's fairly sure it's just teens. One year he stood by our fence and jumped out at people when they walked past. This year he stuck Micah's Plo Koon mask on a stick and started opening the door leading with that. So. You've been warned. Happy Halloween!