New month?

So. Tomorrow's a new month, right? Does that mean we get to start over with all new healthy vibes reverberating throughout our house? Ugh. Seriously. I can't remember a time...EVER...that we've been sick like this. The boys are generally extremely healthy...I can count the number of doctor visits that weren't well checks or for Asher's varied injuries on one hand. For all three of them together. Really. Yet we've been to the doctor twice this past week. And neither time appears to have done us much good, except that the second visit was at least able to confirm that there really wasn't anything we could do about it but wait. Lovely. Really, though, I suppose it's a good reminder to me of how blessed I am that this is unusual. I know I'm lucky. Honest.
Okay, and actually, I can remember a time when I used to be sick like this...every December from 1994 to 1999 without fail. (Yes, including the year we got married in December.) I'd lose my voice. Just like it's lost today. I hate losing my voice. I haven't done that since just before I got pregnant with Noah. Had to go to the ER that time and have an IV due to dehydration. That wasn't fun. Bleh.
In any case, status report here...the past week has pretty much been not fun. Noah, amazingly, continues to be healthy and seems to have escaped, but is pretty dang irritated with all of us sickies and his inability to do "fun" things. :) (Come to think of it, I can't remember a time when more than a couple of us have been sick at the same time either, so having four of us out is a first.) Asher's finally talking again and is on the mend, but it took him about 4-5 days of misery. He's still not up to playing tag in the backyard with Noah, which, of course, to Noah, means that he's still sick. Micah, we thought, was going to be fine after the stridor left, but now he's lost his voice, too, and has spent much of today just lying in bed with me. We're quite the pair. :) Nathan made it back to work on Thursday (having been home Monday thru Wednesday) in time to help with a big deadline Friday night. Hopefully he's not contagious still because he's still coughing quite a bit and is definitely not 100%. Sigh.
But. It could be worse and I know it. So I'll just be happy that there seems to possibly be a light at the end of the tunnel...and that communicating via the internet doesn't require me to talk. ;)
Oh. And in our efforts to make it up to Noah for having to deal with us all this week, Nathan took Noah and Asher to our local Little Shop of Physics Open House today. They're awesome. We've been to their Open House a couple times and have had a more private viewing with our homeschool group a couple times. The boys love it. Today, both came home talking about the million volt Tesla coil and how they want a plasma ball. (To which, Micah immediately chimed in that he'd always wanted a plasma ball, too...not even knowing what they were talking about.)
And, while I'm at it, I have two more layouts that I don't think I shared before:
This first one features one of my favorite new lines that was introduced at CHA. It's the Actopus to Zelephant line by K&Co and I LOVE it! See those "A" and "Z" cards there? They're heavy flashcard like cards with notes on the back about the animal on front and are about 5x7. They come in a pack of the complete alphabet. I'm totally thinking about framing the individual initial letters for each of the boys just as they are, because they're so cool. (If I hadn't already used some of the letters, I can totally see making a simple ABC book by just binding these all up...perfect for a toddler learning his letters, but actually we're a bit past that, hence I used them on layouts, LOL!)
This next layout is one I had a lot of fun with:
Not only do the pictures here make me smile every time (as does just thinking about my new bike), but I'm pleased with myself for using this awesome Little Yellow Bicycle bag for the background. Yup, that background was part of a bag that Little Yellow Bicycle was giving out at CHA. (The bags are kinda like those bags you buy to bring to the grocery store with you so that you don't need the plastic bags...very nice really.) Totally perfect for this layout, don't you think? And, look, I managed to use my new Fiskars Upper Crest border punch a bit more, too!
Now. I've just realized that if tomorrow is a new month that means that today is the last day of the month. (Hey, give me a break...those decongestants have me all messed up, lol.) Which means that today is the last day of the February Month By Month Challenge. Hopefully some of you remembered that while I was distracted this week. :) If not, get cracking on March's challenge, okay?