Croup sucks.

Yeah. Sorry I've been missing again. Asher appears to have brought home the croup virus over the weekend. Our best guess is that he got it at Options last Monday, as only 3 of the 12 kids in his class showed up yesterday I'm told. Poor kid is miserable. (Seriously, folks, the kid has been awake for only like 9 hours out of every 24 since Friday night. He barely spoke Saturday and Sunday. No congestion...just a very sore throat, fatigue and general all over achiness. Not usual for him at all.)
We went to the doctor (well, urgent care) on Sunday to test for was negative and they prescribed antibiotics, claiming it was likely some other bacterial infection. Got the antibiotics. Today he took his third dose...still no significant improvement. But. This morning, Micah woke up with a very stridor like cough...something we recognize (he's had croup before as an infant). Called the pediatrician. Had both boys looked at. She declared they both have croup and that would explain Asher's laryngitis-like symptoms (swollen throat) and why the antibiotics weren't helping (croup is viral). Glad to finally have a reasonable explanation, but irked that there's really nothing that can be done/taken to make Asher feel better faster. Joy. (On the plus side, Micah, though his glands and lungs and everything else sound and look worse than Asher's, doesn't appear to believe that he's sick. The kid is running around and acting totally fine...guessing, though, that nighttime will be another matter if history is anything to go by.)
Oh, and on top of that, Nathan's sick too...something different likely. I'm attributing at least part of it to getting too run-down stressing and working himself too much in the past month to get to the deadline they met Sunday night. So. He's been home for the last couple days (which, right there tells you how sick he is as he very rarely gets sick enough to be out of commission more than one day). He's pretty much been sleeping and trying to get some food/liquids down. He may well be home tomorrow, too. He's definitely still sick.
So. Noah and I are busy washing our hands and keeping our fingers crossed. :) We're pretty much laying low this week and staying home (other than runs to the store for meds and comfort foods). Bleh.
But. Even though I've been averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night (constant interruptions from boys needing meds or drinks or to refill the humidifiers), I know that I am blessed that this is an unusual occurrence for us. My heart goes out to those of you with kiddos who are sick more often than once a year or so and to single parents everywhere who do this alone every time.
And. I had a fabulous time on Saturday just cropping with some friends at my favorite local scrapbook store, The Treasure Box. I managed to get 14 layouts done, which is (sadly) perhaps more than I've finished all year. Many were layouts that had just been in my to do pile for ages, so even though they're nothing fancy, I'm thrilled to have them DONE. :) Wanna see some of them?
Loved using the Fiskars Upper Crest border punch on this one (above)!
(Yes, this is one I've done before for the Prism CHA booth...but I don't get to keep those so generally make duplicates. This one turned out slightly different, though.)
Okay, I have more to say and share but need to go distribute nighttime medicines now...:)

Reader Comments (6)
So sorry to hear about the sicknesses but the layouts are amazing!!
Great layouts, Amanda! I wish I could've been there on Saturday. I missed seeing everyone. I hope your house is germ-free soon. It is so hard to see your children feel so awful. Blessings and big hugs to you!
Hope everyone is healthy real soon. Love all the layouts.
Wish I could be there to help!
Hope that everyone is on the mend ASAP! LOVE (and totally miss) those layouts. And the boys are so big!
Hope everyone is feeling better and you are successfully avoiding any and all icky bugs!!
On a positive note, ALL the layouts above are of course fabulous & well, at least you are still making some bucks in this rough eceonomy... I just got Month by Month in the mail and have to say I LOVE IT. Wasnt sure what to expect but if anyone thinks they have seen it all and know-it-all from your monthly columns last year, well, they are greatly mistaken. its a great treasure full of prompts & new ideas. Thx for sharing your creativity & brilliance. Hugs, Carole