It's been a full week-ish! A common theme was here are a bunch of pictures of me enjoying time with others.
First up is this picture my sister sent me of my gram with some of my nieces and nephews. About a month ago, my gram moved to this assisted living facility. About a week ago, my sister and brother (and their kids) went and visited her and enjoyed the many smiles the littles brought to all the residents.

Yes, I realize this isn't me visiting with gram but I sent this blanket as an apartment warming sort of gift, and my sister delivered it and shared these pictures so I could kind of feel like part of it all. Gram says it's warm and cozy.

Isn't she awesome? She'll be 100 next month!
Last weekend, Noah came home for an afternoon and volleyball was played...

(Protecting my still healing sprained wrist, I opted not to play.) Nathan and the boys are definitely getting better. Also, we got a new volleyball and Micah had to be hosed off outside before I let him in the house. :)
Monday was my birthday and lunch with Deanna...(see my previous post)...

Tuesday, Micah and I went climbing! It was my first time back in about two months. I'm definitely less strong after resting my wrist for a couple months but did remember how and enjoyed myself.

That afternoon, after taking Micah to work, Asher and I had a lovely walk and got smoothies. I neglected to take a picture, though, so here's one from last month in Steamboat.

I'm trying to enjoy all my time with the boy over the summer before he heads to Nebraska this fall.
Wednesday was non-eventful. :)
Thursday, I booked flights for Asher to come home from UNO for fall break and Thanksgiving. (Yay, me, for being on top of that and getting it done. It was a little weird, though. Haven't had to book travel for school breaks before...beyond driving 10 minutes to pick Noah up.)
Later that afternoon, I met up with Molly and her son for a fun (and warm) visit in Denver:

We had a great time eating and visiting and helping B play on the play structure and around the water fountains. We also popped into Old Navy for a minute. It was hilarious that the first thing B exclaimed was, "where are all their heads?!"

I'd really never thought about it, but I can see how confusing and concerning that would be to little kids. :)
Friday, Micah and I climbed again, and then Nathan and I had a date lunch...

It was delicious!
Later that night, I met up with a childhood friend, Alisa, who was in town visiting family. It had been years and years since we'd seen each other, and it was great to catch up a bit! We talked until well after dark but remembered to take this picture before the sun went down...

All that catching up made us both wonder if we'll actually have a high school reunion one of these days. So far, neither Nathan nor I have been to any. (My school did have a 10 year reunion but I couldn't make that one on account of my youngest sister graduating that year...couldn't fly out twice that summer. Nothing's been successfully planned since then sadly. I'm not sure whether Nathan's class has had any reunions. He'd rather not go anyhow so isn't likely to know when/if one happens.)
And then this morning, Lynne and I met for our somewhat regular Saturday morning workout...

I'm so thankful to have a workout buddy to keep me accountable (and visit with, lol). Now that the weather's nicer, we're back to meeting outside instead of in our respective basements. We ran intervals and did some tabatas before I headed home to take Micah to work.
And that was my week appreciating time together with some of the people in my life!