I'm blaming Case

Sorry. I went missing. I know. ;)
If you follow me over on Facebook, you've already seen these pictures. For those who don't, here's the story:
My baby sister, Cassy, was scheduled for a repeat c-section to have baby boy #2 on Tuesday, November 17. Micah and I were going to fly out to help take care of big brother Blaze while they were at the hospital. We were set to fly out on Sunday, 11/15.
Baby boy #2 decided he didn't want to wait for the 17th and made his appearance on Thursday, November 12 instead. Silly, Case. Scrambling, I managed to rearrange my flight and fly out early Friday morning to help out. Here are pictures from the hospital. Doesn't Blaze look thrilled about his baby brother? :)
My mom, grandma and I took turns holding the sweet little Case and watching Blaze.
Saturday, Cassy managed to get discharged from the hospital and my baby brother, Joe, and his family flew in to town. They were originally flying in for Cassy's baby shower (which had been set for Sunday, 11/15, but which we postponed/canceled). Sunday, Micah flew in on our originally scheduled flight. (We let him fly as an unaccompanied minor...which went mostly good except that his connection from Seattle to Spokane got canceled and then delayed, which wasn't great.) With Micah there, we had five cousins together and I neglected to take a single photo of them all. Drat!
Regardless, it was a full house (did I mention that Cassy and Charlie just moved into this new house a few months ago?) with Micah (10), Blaze (almost 2), Alice (18 months), Evan (6 weeks) and Case (new).
Joe's family flew home early Monday and we had a brief break before Tuesday's festivities and excitement. Tuesday was Blaze's 2 year birthday, so we had a special breakfast (he kissed his Mickey pancakes, which was adorable) and cake and presents later in the day. My sister, Bekah, and her three kiddos then joined us for the day (drove up from Prosser). And, again, I neglected to get a single photo with all the cousins. Double drat.
In case you're keeping track, at this point, the house had Cas, Charlie, Blaze and Case...me and Micah...mom and gram...and Bekah, Alexis (13), Cade & Aidan (10).
And then a huge windstorm hit Spokane and we lost power for awhile and everyone scrambled to bring in a bench that was threatening to blow away and watched the neighbor's trampoline fly across the field and were sad for a different neighbor whose entire two story shop that was under construction toppled and waited to see if the neighbor's horse would fly. Charlie ventured out for a generator, and everyone ended up staying the night as it was just too windy and trees were down and apparently a number of roads were closed. So much excitement. ;)
(Remember, too, that this was the day originally scheduled for Case to be born. Perhaps he knew something we all didn't, as he chose to come early. If he'd been born on the 17th, Cassy would have been in the hospital when it lost power...and would have, um, freaked out even more than she did having us all in her house for the day, lol.)
Wednesday morning, things had calmed back down and all the Prosser folks headed home, leaving just Micah and me with the little Isaacs family for the rest of the week.
Here are some random pictures of Micah playing with Blaze all week (as was his purpose in coming):
And then on Saturday, 11/21, Micah and I headed home...sad to say goodbye to our sweet little nephews/cousins but happy to be reunited with our own house of boys. (I told Micah we can count this as a crash home ec course for him, lol.)
Here's a last group of family shots:
And since then I've been working on catching up on the things I'd thought I'd do before we flew to Spokane, lol (hence the title of this post). So that's why it's been so quiet here on my blog.