Haiku anyone?

We were talking about medieval Japan, Korea and China again today during history, and wrapped it up by writing some haikus. Thought I'd share. :) Here they are (yes, I helped some, but the ideas and words were truly each boy's...I just helped with formatting):
SUMMER by Micah
The grass is so green
The sprinkler makes a rainbow
I love summertime.
WINTER by Asher
Snow means I can sled
falling snow is beautiful
it's soft for snowballs.
SPRING by Noah
Warmth with a small breeze
carries the smell of the trees
I like spring flowers.
I'm biased, obviously, but I think these turned out pretty dang well for first haiku attempts. :) I had each boy write his out and illustrate it also. Cool.
Oh. And in regard to the question of where I found that acrylic and metal album I use for my Weekly 2009 album...I'm almost positive I found mine on clearance at Office Depot and haven't seen them since. But, I found some for sale online at Office Max. Check here. Hope that helps!

Reader Comments (2)
That sounds like a great idea! I've always enjoyed poetry. Could you scan the pictures they drew?
You're wonderful! Thanks for the help.