#13 Splurge on a "Good" Bra

I rarely do it, but something compelled me to click on one of those Facebook advertisements not long ago. So far, I'm pretty happy. The ad was for a place called True & Co...where you can select bras, have them sent directly to your home, try them on, and send back any that you don't want. Pretty slick.
First they have you take a survey thing to determine your fit...not using just your bra size, but actually useful questions like how your current bras fit and whether you tend to spill out the sides or sag or bust out the top. ;) Using that information, they assign you a category and recommend bras based on that (you can still shop all of their store, but they list recommended items and sizes just for you).
Then you can pick up to five bras to try. They ship them to your house in a lovely box like so:
You try them on and fill out feedback (letting them know what worked and what didn't and why) so that they can tweak their recommendations. Send back any that you don't want within five days in their easy-peasy return envelope (which also comes with a return mailing label...all shipping was free).
If you keep any, they charge you at that time. Done. :)
So. I tried four with my first box. I kept one. And now I can check that off my list. ;)
(Yeah, they're definitely not the cheapest bras but I really enjoyed the experience and the no hassle/no required purchase aspect of it all. I have codes for $15 off your first order. If you want one, email me!)

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