The last two weeks...

Went quiet there for a bit. Sorry. Here's a quick run down of what's been happening...
- Micah and Asher wrapped up the last week of our second session of homeschooling. Thanksgiving week was our "off" week. They both also had karate and continued helping black belt candidates in their training and checks.
- Just before Thanksgiving, Micah got sick and shared it with Nathan. Micah saw the doctor this morning...who reiterated what I'd already been saying--he's no longer technically sick. He's been fever-free for days, his ears and lungs and such are clear, the congestion is greatly decreased. Given his annual battle with croup and his continued smaller stature, his throat is simply too small and is, thus, irritated from the coughing of last week (which has meant much less eating and drinking which is part of what spurred the doctor visit finally). Given his age now, though, the doctor won't give him the steroids typically given for croup so we're just waiting it out. Fun times. Mostly he's just angry about not being able to talk, lol.
- Noah had classes, his annual well check appointment and JOAD practice. He didn't have anything over Thanksgiving week, but picked up Micah's cold recently so missed his first two classes today.
- Asher had his second on-street driving session and remains my sole teammate on Team Healthy. On Thanksgiving, while others were concentrating on napping and breathing, Asher and I went on a 5K walk:
- Given the sickness and the general lack of enthusiasm I was met with this year, Thanksgiving here was very quiet. We ordered pre-made food and picked it up Wednesday night and ate it over the next few days. On the bright side, I didn't overeat at all, lol.
- The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Noah and I spent another day with Habitat for Humanity. The weather cooperated much better than last time and we got to help frame in the upstairs of a duplex!
Do you see that? Together with 6-7 others, we framed in the exterior of that whole second floor. First we assembled each section then we stood them up and braced them all. It was pretty fun...and rewarding to see the progress.
(Great that night, Noah had started the downward trend, healthwise. And, I'd jammed my right index finger during boot camp earlier in the week so had that taped up. But, it's hard to hammer without your right hand, when you're right handed, and I ended up overcompensating for my finger such that now the rest of my hand hurts. Still. Totally worth it.)
- And, yesterday, Nathan (being finally mostly over the cold) flew to San Francisco with his fellow founders to meet with investors. He arrived home late last night/early this morning and things are looking good on that front. In fact, here's a quick article about their company and how well it's doing. Yay!
So that's pretty much what's been going on here. We're back to homeschooling and normal activities for the most part, though Asher and I are the only ones really operating at full capacity. Healthy thoughts to all!!

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