Five on Friday

Okay, before the long weekend, just a few things to catch up on...
1) Micah's infusions. Micah's now had two infusions and says he feels better than his best when the previous medication was working. Hooray! (We'd been told it might take up to 3 months to know whether it was working, but Micah says he can clearly already tell.)
Also, we were having some insurance issues with covering the infusions where we've been having them done. Long story. After *many* phone calls to various infusion clinics, our doctor, the insurance company, etc...I'm happy and oh-so-relieved to report that our insurance has authorized coverage at the current clinic now, so we're all good. Whew. Such a pain but so very thankful that the insurance is there. (For what it's worth, a single infusion round costs more than three times more than a month of the previous medications.)
2) Seeing friends. Last weekend, one of my oldest friends came to CO for a work conference and we managed to get together with another friend that we met in college. We had a lovely time hanging out and catching up...
3) Random conversations here lately. Gotta love family dinner time conversations. Topics lately have included...why we call The Netherlands Holland and why the people there are Dutch...the "virginity of olive oil"...the names of the Pokemon professors...and why Asher's knees are weird and Noah's are boring. Yup, really.
4) My job. Okay, um. I quit my job. As it turns out, it just wasn't the right fit for me right now. I learned a lot about myself...about what I am and am not looking for. I don't have a specific plan for what's next but am so appreciative for the experience and thankful to have taken the steps to start. Given the end of the school year, it seemed an appropriate time to make the break.
5) Date lunch. Nothing special to report...just enjoyed our date lunch this week. :)
Okay, that's it for now. May has been a long month and I'm looking forward to the long weekend. Wishing you all a great and relaxing end of the month!

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