Quote #13.

Happy Monday to you! (And happy birthday to my baby brother!) Here we go:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. –Aristotle
I found this quote in a book I’ve been reading. It’s perfect. I know that oftentimes the word “habit” evokes negative feelings…thoughts of “bad” habits that people want to break. Right now, though, for me, the word “habit” is definitely a positive. It's something that I want to establish as part of my life. Something that if I repeatedly do it, will become second nature. Something I’m working on and striving toward.
Remember that “habit” tin I started? Well, I’m happy to report that it’s going well. (In all honesty, it started out pretty slow but I’ve caught up, lol.) I’m right on track and have even taken the giant (for me) step of taking up running. See? Here are my new shoes:
Once upon a time (like way back in middle school), I ran. I did cross country and the distances in track. Not well. ;) I’ve not run since then, unless you count chasing boys. Deep breath. On Saturday, I took these new shoes out for the very first time. I didn’t die, so I suppose I’ll keep at it…slowly. I mention it all here for accountability purposes and to make it more "real." (And so that those of you who see me in person will understand if you see me limping around some days, LOL!) Wish me luck!
PS I’ve been awesomely inspired by this particular blog post and the links included. Enjoy!
PPS In other news, we're on our "off" week of homeschooling here, so I've got plenty to say/share...just give me a day or two to get my ducks in a row... ;)

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