Quote #6.

Happy Monday to you! Here's my quote for this week:
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. –Jim Ryun
Like many people, I would really like to exercise more. Honest. (Okay, if I’m truly honest, I just want to be in better shape, not exercise more, lol. I want to be able to keep up with these boys in the coming years.) Like many people, I’ve gone in fits and spurts with this. Looking back, I can see that I tend to only exercise when I deliberately put it into my schedule and when I manage to repeat this often enough for it to become a habit. This quote, then, is really key for me. I need both the motivation to add it to my list in the first place and the repetition that comes from a habit.
To that end, I created this little tin for myself. I’m sharing it here to keep myself accountable. There are 50 little circles on the back. I get to fill one in each time I exercise. My goal is to exercise at least three times a week between now and my birthday…to make this a habit by then. (Yes, I know various sources say you need to do something like 21 times to make it a habit…I guess I’m just good at loopholes because I know 21 times isn’t enough for me when it comes to exercise. I’ve tried that, lol.) As a bonus, I’m going to “pay” myself every time I exercise…just whatever I can afford that week (we use a weekly cash budget for any spending beyond bills and staples so this is really just like delayed spending but it works for my psyche). I can’t touch the money, though, until I fill in all those circles. Motivation? You betchya!
So. Every now and again, feel free to check up on me, okay? Thanks! ;)

Reader Comments (1)
I love this idea! I may have to steal it. :) Way to go, my friend.