Happy Pi Day!

Yeah. I'm behind and owe folks tales of CKC in Portland and other such stuff. I'll get to it. Really. ;)
In the meantime, happy Pi Day to all! Yes. Today is the celebration of the mathematical constant...pi. Generally shortened to 3.14, pi finds its glory on March 14. Why do I mention this, you ask? Well, part of it is that I'm a geek and once memorized pi to like 26 places just for fun (my high school algebra teacher had this poster that went all the way around the room with pi's value and let's just say that I wasn't always listening to the lecture, lol). The larger part, though, is that today is the anniversary of the day Nathan and I met. Yes, 17 years ago today, Nathan walked into my life and I continue to be grateful. Combining these two things brings us this:
Yeah. I bought these matching shirts. I'm weird like that. :) (Oh, and the photo was taken by Noah and edited using Maggie Holmes' awesome simple color boost and warmer antique actions.)
So. Happy Pi Day! I'll be back later this weekend with all that other stuff...I'll even throw in a giveaway to make it worth the wait. :)

Reader Comments (2)
you & n are adorable!! happy pi & meeting day! ;)
Noah is a great photographer! Love the photo of you and Nathan and the story about how you met on Pi Day!