Bleh, but then again, not so much...

Apparently, I need deadlines. I haven't really had any big scrapping assignments this month. It feels a little odd. At first, I thought, "okay, this is good...time to regroup, find some balance, refocus on homeschooling...maybe even get some of my own scrapping projects done." After months of big assignment after big assignment, it seemed like a good thing, right? But. I find myself staring at my scrap supplies more often than not. I can't seem to find the inspiration to complete any projects lately. I find myself in "shuffling" know...shuffling papers around my desk and then shuffling them again just for the sake of shuffling. ;) I just plain work better with deadlines.
However. All is not lost. I've been having great fun with the boys and really *have* been managing to get some aspects of our life in order. Look at these silly boys earlier this week. It had rained that morning and while the guy with the mobile AC repair was working on the van (again...we did this same thing last summer), they escaped the house to play in the puddles in the street. (Fortunately, our cul-de-saq is wonderfully quiet.)
Yes, Noah and Asher are still in pajamas. Yes, I probably should have had them stop playing in the middle of the street, particularly when they soaked Micah with their splashing. Yes, the AC repair guy probably thought I was nuts grabbing the camera rather than a towel. But, look at how much fun they had. I love times like these...such incredibly simple and cheap entertainment.
So, I may not have been "productive" with my scrapping this month, but I'm not worried. I'm collecting plenty of material to scrap later... :)

Reader Comments (3)
Fun pics! I have also felt in a scrap slump lately too...I'm sure this too shall pass! LOL
Sorry about the slump...hope it passes soon! Love those great photos, looks like fun to me, too!;o)
oh i love those pics...what camera do you use amanda? and love the new look to the blog too....