Sharing my toys...

So I had this grand idea about reorganizing my stamps. To start, some crazy thought entered my mind about spreading out all my stamps on the floor so I could get a better idea as to what I needed in the way of storage, right? As I had them spread out in my office yesterday, I was sitting at my computer doing something and Micah wandered in (he'll be 22 months old next week, yikes!). He seemed to be playing nicely and not getting into anything so I went back to what I was doing. After a bit he toddled on out, happy as could be. I turned around and found this:
Maybe I'm just weird (okay, not maybe) but this was just so beautiful to me. I've not even seen him attempt to stack the wooden blocks we have for that purpose as of yet, but look. (Totally amazed he didn't knock the tower down.) Man stamps are cool. ;)
Incidentally, I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do storage wise. I have lots of cool ideas that require more space than I currently have and a few that would work with what space I do have but require some lucky finds (can't really peruse the antique stores with the boys in tow *laugh*). In the meantime, I just piled them all up again so I can vacuum. Isn't that how it always goes?
Well, we don't have any big plans for Memorial Day weekend. My mom is flying in tomorrow (yay!) so we'll probably/hopefully do some shopping and will likely grill in the backyard. Other than that, though, nothing special. Looking forward to just a nice weekend with those I love. How 'bout you?

Reader Comments (4)
How cute! I have an almost 3 year old and it's amazing all the neatest thing they can do and they just surprise you.
I can see part of your scraproom in the looks really organize. Hopefully you can share pictures of your scraproom/office in the future.
Awwwww!! My 2 1/2 year old DS does sweet things like that too!! :)
good thing you didn't have your ink pads out, too! LOL!
How cool that your creative tools inspired a major developmental step. It can't have been easy to balance with the rubber bottoms :) Thanks for the heads up on the prism contest too...not that I will actually enter, but I love to think that someday I will enter something. Hope you have a fab weekend!