Day 12

Continuing our walk down memory lane, Nathan and I made the boys go to Biltmore Estate for the day. :) We started with the house tour (and boys decided they could deal with living there and having an indoor bowling alley and heated pool and gym...though they agreed that there would definitely need to be some technology upgrades, lol). (Photography isn't allowed inside, sorry.)
Then we wandered the gardens and greenhouses some. (We know some folks who would LOVE spending time there.) Before we headed back to the car, we finally remembered to get a full group photo. Sadly, I think this may be our first of the trip. ;)
After that, we drove round the estate to a newly opened area to do a late lunch, have some ice cream, and see the Biltmore Legacy exhibit. Asher & Micah enjoyed the farm exhibits, too.
(Stay tuned for the rest of Day 12...)

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