For the record...

...we're having a hard time getting back to "normal." ;)
Yes, we've done the laundry and restocked the fridge and cleaned out the van and mostly caught up on karate and all that. But. We can't seem to focus, lol. We're truly going to work on that today. Honest. But, yesterday, we were apparently still on vacation.
After morning karate classes, we somehow ended up buying Noah a new bike.
Yes, it's mostly black...with only hints of red and white accents. ;) It's definitely more spendy than any other bike we've purchased. But, it was on a great sale (almost 40% off because it was last year's model and because it was part of their Memorial Day weekend sale...which is what prompted this shopping in the first place, lol) and we figure this bike will be the last we need to buy him. And. He desperately needed a new bike, as he's grown about a foot since the last time we got him a bike. And he's aware that this covers his fall birthday and possibly part of Christmas. :)
After getting that all taken care of, we headed down to Boulder on our promise to Micah. He didn't buy a kite in North Carolina like his brothers but decided shortly after leaving the east coast that he definitely wanted one, lol. To stop him trying to get us to shop online for kites the entire rest of our vacation, we promised we'd hit Into the Wind when we got home. We had a lovely time just playing in the store then soaked up the Pearl Street atmosphere and outdoor performers while enjoying ice cream in freshly made waffle cones...
And Asher and Micah were in such happy moods that they posed with this bear (of their own accord and everything...I didn't ask them to...they asked me to take the picture):
And then we drove back to Fort Collins to attempt to fly the kites:
This is Micah. He and his brothers were all able to get their kites up in the air a few times but the winds just weren't suitable for any sustained flight. Still. They were delighted to have the chance to practice and are looking forward to a windier day. :)
Yup. Good day. Not overly productive in terms of preparing for the coming week, lol, but good. :)

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