Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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A cycling sort of weekend

Well. We *meant* to just buy a new bike for Noah. ;) Once we started taking down the other bikes to tune things up for the new season and shuffle ownership, though, we somehow ended up buying bikes for both other boys. Oy. But, we now have three new bikes (that should last a good while) and three happy boys. 

Also, it should be noted that as of Sunday afternoon, Micah had never ridden a bicycle without training wheels. By Sunday evening, this is what we had:

Yup. That's one determined boy. ;) I'm sure it helps that he's been able to watch both of his big brothers learn (as both were older when they finally tackled two-wheelin'), but it was really just such a delight to watch his progress. He would give himself pep talks and continually tell us about how his karate instructor told him about perseverance (thank you, Mr. Yee!). So, after just a couple hours of working at it, he was riding on his own around our cul-de-saq on Sunday and on a family bike ride to the neighborhood park by Monday. Woohoo!

Meanwhile, both brothers were enjoying their new rides as well, though not with as big of smiles as Micah. ;) Noah's delighting in actually having a bike that fits, and Asher's adjusting to having gears. All three are pleased that the colors worked out so well. ;)

That top right picture is all of our bikes in the grass at the neighborhood park, where we took a break for Nathan to try his hand at flying the new kite he bought himself in Boulder when we got Micah's. ;) 

And. Because I'm like that, I made the boys pose for a re-creation picture to show you what a difference four years makes:

Aren't they cute? ;) 

(Yes, we haven't been an overly bike-oriented family...very much just taking our sweet time about learning and all. That picture four years ago was really the start of actually enjoying riding bikes (after waiting three years for Noah to finally decide to try riding any sort of bike and then getting a bike & trailer for me) and it took more than a year from that top picture before we ditched any of those training wheels...then another year before we ditched Asher's training wheels. And we'd been in a bit of a stall since then, taking occasional family bike rides but never very far and using the trailer for Micah. Now that they're all riding on their own and have gears, though, we're very much looking forward to traveling further. Yay!)

Reader Comments (2)

We love riding bikes as a family. Daniel just got his first bike with gears and hand brakes this year and is VERY excited. I got a nice bike from CL (since he is four and not quite ready to take care of a "new new" bike). I need to schedule a tune up for the bike though due to a few crashes during his adjustment to a 20" bike!

Winchester and Gordon are still in the bike trailer at least for this year. Sadly the trailer is on its last legs so we may need a different plan next year if they still need it. They both have Strider balance bikes and are working on learning. Daniel learned very fast (like a couple days), but we'll see with the younger two. I'm not sure which will be first to "get it.

Family bike rides and bike rides with just me and the boys are some of our favorite adventures. I used to take spinning class before I had them and LOVED it. Bike riding is probably my favorite exercise/activity.

I love looking at your boys' new bikes and the comparison picture is really cool. The bikes are so shiny! Buying stuff like that is nice and such a good investment in the health and wellness of a person. Plus they can use them a long time. Crazy what changes in four years. Makes me try to not get impatient with the younger two for not knowing how to keep up. They are currently only 1.5 & 3 years old and grow so fast. :)

May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda

We love riding bikes as a family. Daniel just got his first bike with gears and hand brakes this year and is VERY excited. I got a nice bike from CL (since he is four and not quite ready to take care of a "new new" bike). I need to schedule a tune up for the bike though due to a few crashes during his adjustment to a 20" bike!

Winchester and Gordon are still in the bike trailer at least for this year. Sadly the trailer is on its last legs so we may need a different plan next year if they still need it. They both have Strider balance bikes and are working on learning. Daniel learned very fast (like a couple days), but we'll see with the younger two. I'm not sure which will be first to "get it.

Family bike rides and bike rides with just me and the boys are some of our favorite adventures. I used to take spinning class before I had them and LOVED it. Bike riding is probably my favorite exercise/activity.

I love looking at your boys' new bikes and the comparison picture is really cool. The bikes are so shiny! Buying stuff like that is nice and such a good investment in the health and wellness of a person. Plus they can use them a long time. Crazy what changes in four years. Makes me try to not get impatient with the younger two for not knowing how to keep up. They are currently only 1.5 & 3 years old and grow so fast. :)

May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda

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