Break through!

I've been feeling a bit "blah" the past couple days and didn't really know know, just not really excited about anything and going through the motions? Well, last night I finally sat and thought about it and figured it out. I've been conflicted and stumped.
I really want to get to work on these memorial albums about my dad (making copies for myself, my mom and my sibs). I've been gathering supplies and getting things ready. At the same time, I don't really want to work on them, know what I mean? Somehow scrapping the obituary and all that makes everything more "real"...more "final." And. I just couldn't figure out what "voice" to do the journaling just wasn't flowing or feeling right at all (which, if you know me and my love of journaling, is saying something).
But, last night I had a break through. I think just admitting that I was conflicted about it helped immensely. Recognizing that I was "blah" rather than just being "blah" (if that makes any sense at all) made a difference and helped me move forward. So I started again. And I'm almost finished with the journaling now for the first memorial album (I have more than one planned). And I'm actually pretty happy with it. :) So, I just thought I'd share. That's what I've been doing and what I'll be working on this weekend while I'm cropping all day Saturday. Whew.