Whoa. Scary lot of pictures!

So, I'm signed up to take Ali's "Week in the Life" album class at CKU in Anaheim this June. (YAY!) For the "homework," we're supposed to take at least 30 pictures a day for a week and journal various things and all that. I decided to start documenting my week today. Dude. We've still got another 5-6 hours of my day to go yet and I've already taken 104 pictures...yes, just today. I'd have taken more but all three boys are currently asleep (unprecedented) and have been for more than an hour now. Look at 'em...
Aren't they just the sweetest boys with their heads all knocked to the side like that? (Don't worry. I totally pulled off the road to take this picture.) :)
I can already tell this is going to be so much fun...documenting my week. Also, I just know that I'm going to have too much to say. I'm gonna have to start a computer document just to keep my thoughts for each day because I ran out of space on the form that came with the homework. Cool.