Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Out on a limb, week 2...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Whew. Yesterday was a very long day of travel. Got up at 3:15 am after maybe an hour of sleep (see my previous entries about how I left packing till the last minute)...headed to the airport on not-yet-plowed roads (thanks, Mother Nature, for deciding to snow 3 inches the day before Thanksgiving)...made our plane by minutes (maybe seconds...seriously, picture us sprinting through the airport and security and all (yes, with all three boys, a stroller and a carseat plus our 6 or 7 carry-ons) only to catch the doors just before closing so that we were the last ones on the plane)...waited on the ground for 1.5 hours while the plane got de-iced (again, Mother Nature, good timing)...then made it to Seattle finally, where we again sprinted through baggage claim and to the shuttle pick up (having arrived late, we didn't have the layover we'd thought)...fortunately, the shuttle was delayed so we had time to grab some food before boarding the bus and riding for 4 hours or so to Yakima. Did I say whew already? Anyhow. We're in Prosser now. I'm going to go make some deviled eggs shortly. :)

So. Out on a limb, week 2. Today, being Thanksgiving, is a natural time to stop and think about food. What were your loved one’s favorite foods? Now that he/she is gone, are there certain foods that always make you think of him/her? My dad loved food. Truly. I could do an entire mini album on foods he loved and memories each of them conjures for me today. Hmmmm…methinks I feel a project coming on…

Going back to last week’s bonus challenge…make sure you get a picture of you and your significant other this holiday. Take a moment and jot down where this relationship stands right now. Here’s one I did about a year ago (sorry, with the holiday and traveling, I didn’t have time to do a current one in advance, though I’ll definitely do one when I get home, okay?):


Well, back to food prep...hope you're having a fabulous Thanksgiving! 


I should be packing...

We leave in about 12 hours. I have yet to even get the bags out of the basement, let alone begin packing. But. I have a list of things to remember to pack. Does that count? ;)

Anyhoo. The boys and I were running the inevitable last minute errands today. A couple random funnies:

As a "reward" for good behavior, we also stopped by one of our favorite local toy stores to window shop for a wee bit. The boys discovered this awesome doll house...yes, a very pink doll house. The clinching "cool factor"? It had a working elevator! Being boys, though, they didn't even consider using the elevator for the dolls and doll things there with the doll house. No. Rather, they hauled the space rocket and planes over from another display and proceeded to let the planes and rockets ride the elevator. Yet another of those moments that remind me that boys are different than girls. ;) I remember the little pink stroller I once bought...that was used immediately for racing trains around the house.  

Had to go to the bank drive through also. Odd as this may sound, this is only the second time I've used a bank drive through in the entire time we've lived in Colorado (so a bit more than 5 years). Hence, the boys aren't familiar with the concept. A couple weeks ago I had just Noah with me when I went for the first time. He was in awe of the vacuum tube system that takes the transaction from your car to the tellers. Thought it was seriously cool (which it is, of course...I personally have thought many a time that that type of system would be fantastic for mail delivery and fully intend to work that into the plans should we ever build our own house). So. Today when I mentioned we needed to stop at the bank Noah got all excited and couldn't wait to show Asher. "We're going to the sucky bank!" he proclaimed. Yes. That sucky bank. :) Gotta love it.

Okay. I seriously need to go start packing (and all sorts of other things to get ready). Gonna spend the holiday with family for a change and we're stoked. Don't forget to check back on Thursday if you get a chance for the second week of OUT ON A LIMB, okay? And if you don't, let me wish you a Happy Thanksgiving now! Enjoy! 



Gwen Taylor, come on down! You name is the one I pulled for the drawing. Just sent you an email. :)

To everyone else who emailed me and posted here, thank you. Sincerely. I've been trying to reply to all the emails but have also been busy scanning photos so that I can bring the originals back to my mom at Thanksgiving...and my computer doesn't go so well for both emailing and scanning at the same time. *laugh* In any case, thank you for sharing your stories and taking the time to let me know what you think. I truly appreciate it.

Really, if I may go all mushy here for a moment, we're all winners if we take up these challenges. That's how I feel, anyhow. :)

Okay, off topic, but just had to also share this little series of photos I took the other day. I was trying to be sneaky and capture how well all three boys were playing together in the toy area. (I really love when they do that...not only because, obviously, harmony in the house is nicer than fighting...but because it just makes me so happy to see them getting along so well...such brotherhood.) Anyhoo, our floor plan is pretty open, such that I can take pictures from the banisters one floor up. Noah, there in the bottom right of the first frame, was the first to spot me and quickly tried to hide using that blue piece of foam. Micah continued playing. Then he, of course, realized the need to copy Noah and try to hide...using a wooden truck to hide himself! He totally thought he was hidden. :) I just thought it was funny.


It helps to remember moments like this...particularly when the little bugger is totally not listening to me and screaming his way through Target. Like today. Oy. Oh well. He's only two once. Right?! :) 


Out on a limb...

Okay. I’m going to start something new. I’ve had these ideas mulling around in my head for awhile now and I’m thinking just before Thanksgiving is as good a time to start as any. Actually, last week might have been better…what with Thanksgiving prep and all. :)

So, here’s the deal. I feel compelled to start a weekly challenge of sorts…for myself and anyone who wants to join me (and I hope you will!). Each Thursday (because I just like Thursdays), I’m going to post two challenges. One will focus on remembering a loved one who is no longer with us. One will focus on taking advantage of the time we *do* have with our loved ones now.

I’m calling it “Out on a limb”…a couple different reasons behind this. First, it takes courage to actively live the life we imagine. Through these challenges, I hope to motivate myself to do just that. Second, since this idea stems from the loss of my dad this past August, I wanted to include something of him in it…he was a farmer and I’ll always think of him when I see fruit orchards, and of how he’d “scold” us for climbing his trees if they were laden with fruit. ;)

The challenges may be layout ideas, journaling prompts, photo opportunities, projects or anything else. Mostly, I’ve just found that my own scrapbooking focus since losing my dad has shifted. I can feel it particularly in my journaling. Yes, I want to document that silly thing the boys did the other day. But I don’t just want to tell them what they did. I want to tell them how I felt about it and how much I love them. You can just never say that enough, and you don’t always get the opportunities you think you’ll have. Plus, I feel more compelled than ever to scrapbook my family history...to get the stories down for future generations. I’m thinking right now that I may even start a separate album just for this and put any layouts that result together in it.

So. This week’s challenges:

  1. An often overlooked aspect of our loved ones is their handwriting. It’s something that, once they’re gone, you can never recreate. If you can, find a sample of your loved one’s handwriting and include it on a layout. Here’s one I finished today:


    Unfinished by Amanda Probst. Supplies Cardstock: Prism Papers; Patterned paper & cardstock tag: Luxe Designs; Labels: Paper Source (larger white with green trim), 7 Gypsies (smaller white with green trim); Clear tag: Making Memories; Letter stickers: American Crafts; Pen: Zig Writer; Spiral punch: Stampin' Up!; Computer font: Century Gothic, Microsoft Word; Other: Ledger paper.

  2. This Thanksgiving, if you’re gathering with family, why not have each person fill out a little card with a favorite Thanksgiving tradition or memory? (Even a plain 3x5 notecard will do.) Not only will you capture some beautiful sentiments, but you’ll have a little piece of handwriting for each person as well.

  3. BONUS: (I couldn’t help myself. This one is just so important and I want to remind people of it, especially just before the holidays.) One of my biggest regrets is that I don’t have any recent photos of myself with my dad. I somehow just didn’t get around to that, always thinking there would be more time. Thanksgiving is an opportune time to capture your relationships in photographs. Pester people if you have to, but take some pictures this Thanksgiving with the people you love. Trust me. You’ll be glad you did.

Ultimately, the point of the challenges is simply to inspire. I’d love, though, if you’d post here or email me each week if you do tackle one or both challenges…there’s power (and motivation) in numbers, right? (And please, please feel free to pass the word!)

And, since I’m feeling rather on my soap box about the importance of documenting your family (both past and present), I’m offering up a free copy of the new CK Family History book. Email me and tell me what you think of this whole challenge idea. (You can just click on that “contact me” link over to the left.) On Sunday, I’ll draw a name from emails received.


Big news!

Woohoo! Did you see over at the Creating Keepsakes website?! Two things really. First, CK is redesigning and reorganizing for the 2008 year and it's all very exciting. In the reorganization, they've established their first ever creative team...the CK Dream Team (scroll down toward the bottom)...and I'm part of it! Honored to be among these awesome ladies and looking very forward to the coming year!

Second, and this one is harder to tell from the website (the type is small)...but on that new Table of Contents (same webpage, just above the Dream Team announcement) they're showing for January is a listing for my new monthly column!  It's called Album in a Year...just a small column, but mine. ;) I so hope you'll enjoy it (and the additional info each month that will be on the website).

Whew. Okay. I've been busting to tell everyone for months. I feel better now. :) 

And, check back later today or tomorrow (depending on how on top of things I manage to stay today *laugh*) for a little challenge...prizes will be involved...