
Gwen Taylor, come on down! You name is the one I pulled for the drawing. Just sent you an email. :)
To everyone else who emailed me and posted here, thank you. Sincerely. I've been trying to reply to all the emails but have also been busy scanning photos so that I can bring the originals back to my mom at Thanksgiving...and my computer doesn't go so well for both emailing and scanning at the same time. *laugh* In any case, thank you for sharing your stories and taking the time to let me know what you think. I truly appreciate it.
Really, if I may go all mushy here for a moment, we're all winners if we take up these challenges. That's how I feel, anyhow. :)
Okay, off topic, but just had to also share this little series of photos I took the other day. I was trying to be sneaky and capture how well all three boys were playing together in the toy area. (I really love when they do that...not only because, obviously, harmony in the house is nicer than fighting...but because it just makes me so happy to see them getting along so well...such brotherhood.) Anyhoo, our floor plan is pretty open, such that I can take pictures from the banisters one floor up. Noah, there in the bottom right of the first frame, was the first to spot me and quickly tried to hide using that blue piece of foam. Micah continued playing. Then he, of course, realized the need to copy Noah and try to hide...using a wooden truck to hide himself! He totally thought he was hidden. :) I just thought it was funny.
It helps to remember moments like this...particularly when the little bugger is totally not listening to me and screaming his way through Target. Like today. Oy. Oh well. He's only two once. Right?! :)

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