Big news!

Woohoo! Did you see over at the Creating Keepsakes website?! Two things really. First, CK is redesigning and reorganizing for the 2008 year and it's all very exciting. In the reorganization, they've established their first ever creative team...the CK Dream Team (scroll down toward the bottom)...and I'm part of it! Honored to be among these awesome ladies and looking very forward to the coming year!
Second, and this one is harder to tell from the website (the type is small)...but on that new Table of Contents (same webpage, just above the Dream Team announcement) they're showing for January is a listing for my new monthly column! It's called Album in a Year...just a small column, but mine. ;) I so hope you'll enjoy it (and the additional info each month that will be on the website).
Whew. Okay. I've been busting to tell everyone for months. I feel better now. :)
And, check back later today or tomorrow (depending on how on top of things I manage to stay today *laugh*) for a little challenge...prizes will be involved...

Reader Comments (14)
Congrats on your DT & column :) Looking forward to reading it!! I really enjoy your work. Thanks for inspiring!!
YAY! That's so exciting ... so proud of you. :)
PS My notecard is in the mail today - ack, sorry I'm late. :(
Oh, Amanda! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Can't wait to read the column each month - I'll have to renew my sub now ;o) You enabler! Honestly, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person!
Amanda that is amazing your own column!!! cool!
Amanda!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Woohoo! I know I'll love your column (not the least bit biased, nu-uh, no way ;)). And the No wonder you've been busting at the seams. Well deserved, all of it!
Hi Amanda!
I am so proud of you. This is absolutely AWESOME!!!
HUGE congrats to you!! I will read your column!
Congratulations! That is wonderful!
Congrats on the Dream Team and the new column! Look forward to seeing more of your stuff :D
Congrats, Amanda! I can't wait to see it!
Congrat's to you, Amanda! How cool! I will be keeping an eye out in every issue for your stuff. Rock on!
So happy to have you on our creative team, Amanda! :)
Congrats, Amanda! I loved getting to know you a little better a few months ago, and I'm so excited to work with you more in the future!
Maurianne Dunn
Congratulations Amanda! I just LOVE working with you-it's always such a pleasure. You are so talented and organized... :) Looking forward to more projects and maybe more movie-watching with you in the future!