More than meets the eye...

Couldn't help myself? :) Are you familiar with the Transformers? I have fond memories of watching the shows after school growing up...and not so fond memories of stepping on my brother's Optimus Prime and cutting my foot open on the smoke stack thingie. I digress.
We recently watched the new Transformers movie with the boys, having waited for the dvd release rather than taking them to the theater. At first they were reluctantly they're full out crazy with it. This afternoon, for example, we were having a bit of pretend play. Here's how it went...
Apparently, they informed me, Noah and Asher are the "goods" but are not Autobots; they prefer to be called the Sabertooths. Nathan (when he gets home) and I are the Decepticons. My name (which I chose myself) is "The Big Mean." Nathan gets to be "Megatron" when he gets home. Micah is "CutiePuss" and transforms into "TiggerPuss" when dressed...we're not sure whose side he's on. Noah chose the name of "StarStrike" and is, of course, the leader of the Sabertooths...being able to transform into any number of things and having an invisible shield to protect him from me (however, he didn't count on my secret weapon of tickling). He's presently looking for the clue to find the AllSpark amid his spelling list (which I'm giving him as I type).
Asher's chosen name? This is the one that just busts me up (as he usually does). I honestly don't know where this came from...
Yes. Really. :) How can you not just spend the day laughing with boys like this?!
ETA: By the way, got lots more to say so be sure to check back tonight and/or tomorrow!

Reader Comments (3)
You know I love this!!! OMG! How funny are they? I just those little guys to pieces! Lita told me her Transformer Name was PinkiePieBot. ??? I love these little ones! :D
we, too, have the DVD and have been watching it nonstop for the past 2 weeks or so. Hayley pretty much knows all of the dialogue for everyone but her favorite part is where they're playing the game before the FBI busts in - she can imitate the dance very well. LOL!
where do the little ones come up with these things??!?!?! their brains are waaaay more advanced than we give 'em credit for! hehe!
they're so cute!