Seven years ago today...

This boy changed my world.
I can't believe my sweet boy is seven already! Nathan pointed out the other day that this means Noah's more than half way to teenager status already. Oy. I'm still trying to break the habit of referring to Micah (who turned two this past summer) as a baby. I'm not ready to have a full-fledged seven year old on my hands. :)
(Oh. In case you're wondering, the bruise on his chin is from bonking heads with Asher, who has a very hard head. I'm still trying to figure out why it's so very specific and small in shape, but it doesn't seem to bother him at all.)
No big plans for today. We'll probably take him to dinner tonight and let him open his presents from us. Tomorrow he's having his party with friends...just a small party, but hopefully good.

Reader Comments (3)
Happy Birthday. They do tend to change our lives forever. May the good times long outweigh the harder times.
Happy Birthday to my favorite 7 year-old grandson! You changed my world, too! I love you! G'ma
wow he has got really big!!!