Cutest cowboys ever!

Okay, I have to show you the three cutest little cowboys ever:
Yes, Micah had a matching vest and chaps (found a great deal online!). Kid stubbornly refused to have anything to do with them. I'm talking adamant yelling and running away as if they were made of goo or something. Strange. Regardless, at least I was able to get him to wear the bandana, hat and gun belt. And he wanted to carry his stick horse just like his brothers. So, I think people figured it out. :)
Obviously, I decked the boys out during daylight hours (so I could get the pictures and also because they've been wanting to wear everything for the past few days). Managed to hold them off until just after dark and then we set out (yay, by the way, for weather that cooperated for a change!). Micah still hasn't quite gotten the whole "trick or treat" thing, but he managed to say "thanks" and "bye" and had a great time...AFTER we switched his goodie bag. Poor thing was terrified of the one we had for him (a frankenstein-type face matching his brothers' zombie and vampire that Nana sent a year or two ago), so he ended up with a brown gift bag, all I could find on such short notice. He was, though, quite the moseying cowboy and Nathan had to carry him by the end to keep up with his brothers. We just hit a couple cul-de-sacs in our neighborhood and the boys ended up with a manageable size stash by the end of the night. Fortunately, we also handed out most of our candy to trick or treaters (never mind that we were doling out big ol' handfuls by the end of the night) so we don't have a heap of candy left in the house.
Everyone was impressed by our little cowboys and also by our jack o lantern display...we had six this year and it was our best yet. (We're already planning for next year.) This was one of my favorites...totally inspired by something I saw by Janet_O over on Two Peas last year:
All in all, a very fun Halloween. How was yours?

Reader Comments (3)
Awww, they're adorable Amanda! I can't believe how big they are getting.
Oh my gosh, this picture is the cutest! Your boys are so adorable.
Soo cute! mine were lil' cowpokes too! LOVE that punkin sneeze!! Happy Halloween!