My never ending project...

In case you were wondering (which you probably weren't), I'm yet again working on reorganizing my office space. This time, I'm actually rearranging furniture and all. Here are some pictures of how it looked at the end of July after my whirlwind of a month working on stuff for my book:
Yeah. It was a bit of a disaster area. Up until a few days ago, it hadn't seen much improvement...maybe a little tidier but more cluttered (if that's possible). :) So. I'm cleaning and purging and have new shelves and a new desk to set up. Ideally, I'd just have a bigger space altogether, but that's probably not going to happen at this house. Besides, for all that it's small, this location is adjoins to the family room so I can totally be in here while the boys are in the other room playing or in the kitchen eating, and I can keep an eye on them easily.
Anyhoo. That's what I've been working on scrapbook-wise of late. Well, that and a half dozen layouts for CK that I can't show you. ;) I'm going to a crop this Saturday and hope to make plenty of progress on that memorial album about my dad I have planned. Which means I need to get a move-on with this cleaning/reorganizing project if I want to be able to also plan my stuff to take with me Saturday. Or I can just wait till after Saturday... ;)

Reader Comments (2)
ooh, i like the red walls! it's different!!
i also like the two cubbies with all of the tiny drawers! i'm such a sucker for drawers!
can't wait for your book to come out, amanda!
nice space! if you get bored, come to GA! LOL!