First off, while I'm happy to cheer for our Colorado Rockies in the World Series, why must baseball games last so darn long? I don't know why but I couldn't not watch Game 2 last night (okay, I do know why...I was procrastinating...still, I can blame baseball)...which meant that I wasn't working on the three layouts that were due earlier today...which meant that I stayed up most of the night finishing them. (By the way, they're done and scans were sent off earlier today...yay! Now to tackle the other three layouts due early next week.) I digress.
It would have been fine, except that Nathan is taking his first "long weekend" off since August (he's only been taking one day a week all year, and sometimes not even that but, obviously, August brought some disruption to everything). Why is the long weekend a problem? Well, it's not really. Truly, it's spectacular and soooo very needed. But given that this is the first weekday I've been able to get out on my own during business hours in who knows how long, I booked a number of appointments...starting at 8:00 in the morning up in Old Town (20 minutes from here). So. No sleep for me last night.
But I had a lovely morning. Got my hair cut (nothing exciting unfortunately, but I've learned the hard way not to go for a short cut just before winter hits), took care of some Christmas shopping (yes, it's "early" but I don't foresee many opportunities for child-free shopping between now and Christmas), quick stop at the library...stuff like that. Then I came home and took a nap while Nathan and the boys played outside for a bit. After that, Ash and I ventured out for a little one-on-one time and so Ash could find a birthday gift for Noah. This may seem like a little thing, but really I was pretty excited about it. To date, I've always done the shopping and gifting on everyone's behalf around here. But this year, Asher actually approached me wanting to get a gift for Noah because, in his words, "he's such a good big brother and he's always teaching me things and he invited me to his party so I should get him a gift." Who can argue with that? (Even though I'd already finished birthday shopping for Noah.) Incidentally, we're already planning to have the boys do their own Christmas shopping this year (with guidance, of course). :)
While Ash and I were out, I noticed that winter wear is very evident in the stores (duh, I know). Call me weird, but what's the deal with vests? Seriously, this is something I've never understood. If my arms aren't covered up...they're going to be cold. What good does a vest do? Is it just me?
Oh, and earlier today (totally rambling here...see the title of this post), I asked Noah to grab the vitamin bottle for me so I could distribute the boys' multi-vitamins. He came back with vitamins for everyone (and I had to quickly stop him from giving Micah too many...the older two get more than Micah). When asked how he got the "child-proof" cap open, he stated simply that he'd read the instructions. So perhaps they should be called "child-proof until they can read" bottles?
Um, I should go to sleep. Yup. Really. Gotta get up early again tomorrow for the boys' last soccer games of the season. But I'm sure that will merit another blog entry... ;)