Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Okay, so Tiffany tagged me. She tells me that this means I must 1) list seven random things and blog about them here; 2) tag seven others to do the same; and, 3) list those seven here and comment on their blogs to tell them they've been tagged. Well, I can definitely do the first. However, I don't know that I know seven others to tag. I'm new to this blog thing. So. I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna break the rules and the "tag chain" or whatever it is. I'll list my seven things but not tag anyone else. Does this mean bad karma? I'll chance it. ;)

 1. I recently got new speakers for my desktop computer so that I can watch/listen to dvds at night while I work. I'm so excited about this. I don't generally listen to music but love the background noise of a well-loved movie. Yay!

2. The boys and I had such a fun time at the park today...I haven't taken them by myself in awhile now. My little Micah is such a different boy than the other two were. He was climbing the "rock" wall, going down the big slides and learned that he could hang from the little bar...such an adventurer!


3. I've been wanting new sandals for the summer, right? I thought I'd finally figured out what I wanted...some fun Dansko Lolitas in Cognac. I went to my local good shoe store tonight to check sizes (they didn't have the color I wanted) only to discover that I need a 36. Not many places carry a 36. If you find one, could you let me know? Or if you have recommendations for other sandals...looking for something with awesome support (so a day of walking around in them isn't going to kill me), nothing that goes between my toes (hate that for some reason), a slight heel would be dandy, and fun yet stylish if possible. I'm a practical sort, so they need to go with many things, too.

4. Ceiling fans make me dizzy. Seriously, the lighting section at stores like Home Depot freak me out. I avoid them.

5. I love the look of stitching on layouts but can't bring myself to do it because my sewing machine scares me. (Noah's actually watched the instructional video about my sewing machine more times than I have (okay, more times than any person really aught to) so maybe I should get him to to it.)

6. I started a mini album of lists yesterday...lists like shows I want to see and books I want to read...because I'm always forgetting when I'm at Blockbuster or the library, know what I mean? Besides, I have all these fun little mini albums and thus far haven't made many of them into actual books. ;) I'm thinking I'll add pages about people I've been meaning to write to and places I want to go and all sorts of other things. Cool. 

7. I have the coolest neighbor. She volunteered to watch the boys once a month so Nathan and I could go out on a date night. Tonight was one of those nights. We went out to dinner and just hung out without kids for awhile. Gotta love date nights.

Yay! So, there are my seven random things. Since I didn't actually tag anyone...feel free to consider yourself tagged if you just have seven random things you want to get off your chest... ;) 


Yesterday and now.

So, did everyone have a nice weekend? Mine was lovely. I got to take my Noah to the movies (just the two of us)...started taking out the summer wardrobes...went out to lunch...played in the backyard...got Chinese take out for dinner...fun stuff.

And, the boys played in the sprinklers. They've been pestering me to play in the sprinklers since, oh, maybe February (yes, when there was still snow on the ground). We finally had a stretch of warm weather to merit pulling out the sprinkler so promised it would be yesterday. Of course, then it decided to get a bit overcast (though still warm) but it didn't deter them in the least. Noah ran right in and Asher even consented to being squirted with the water guns (and was doing some weird thing with his stomach that he was so proud of and made me take a picture). Micah, though, is still entirely unsure about the whole getting wet thing. He was happy to play with the sprinkler before the hose was attached but spent the rest of the time basically in our neighbor's yard avoiding his brothers. ;) We'll see how that goes as summer progresses.


So. Yes. Yesterday was very nice. Today...well, today I seem to be lacking my motivation. We finally are in a position to get Asher's dental work done so took him in for (another) initial workup this morning. He'll go back next week for the first of 2-3 visits to get all the work actually done (going to have to have one tooth removed and a spacer put in until the adult tooth grows in and a number of cavities need filling). Poor guy. So far he's been wonderfully cooperative...let's hope that sees him through the next few visits so that it can be done locally. Otherwise we'll need to consider day surgery down in Denver with anesthesia. Sigh.  

On my desk is a mess. I haven't really scrapped in a week or so thanks to being sick last week and then wanting to just enjoy the time with my family this past weekend. I have layouts all sketched out and the photos printed and everything. (I tend to scrap in batches...getting a group ready and printed and then working through them all at once.) Yet, I'm sitting here at the computer instead. At some point tonight I expect my motivation to return...that, and some of this stuff is due tomorrow. ;) In the meantime, though, guess I'll go play with the boys some more... 


Happy Mother's Day!

Just a quick Happy Mother's Day to all! I'm off to enjoy it with my boys and will update later but thought I'd share with you this pic...my Noah has been daily going out to our front yard, to the bushes I hope someday to remove. :) He loves to pick the little blooms off of it and bring them to me. He waited anxiously for them to actually flower and was so delighted when they did. Such a sweetheart!



Whoa. Scary lot of pictures!

So, I'm signed up to take Ali's "Week in the Life" album class at CKU in Anaheim this June.  (YAY!) For the "homework," we're supposed to take at least 30 pictures a day for a week and journal various things and all that. I decided to start documenting my week today. Dude. We've still got another 5-6 hours of my day to go yet and I've already taken 104 pictures...yes, just today. I'd have taken more but all three boys are currently asleep (unprecedented) and have been for more than an hour now. Look at 'em...


Aren't they just the sweetest boys with their heads all knocked to the side like that? (Don't worry. I totally pulled off the road to take this picture.) :) 

I can already tell this is going to be so much fun...documenting my week. Also, I just know that I'm going to have too much to say. I'm gonna have to start a computer document just to keep my thoughts for each day because I ran out of space on the form that came with the homework. Cool.


A Spoon with Salt in it?

Just moments ago, Noah came into the kitchen to ask Nathan and I if we would get him a spoon with salt in it. (He and Asher had been playing upstairs.) Being as we've had these boys for awhile now and are at least a little bit wise to their ways, we obviously asked him "why?" His response? (You're gonna love this.) He wanted to see how well the killer shark bath toy (a new addition to the bath family) would swim and figured that it needed salt water to be most like the ocean. Really.

Of course, this led to a quick discussion of why he didn't need salt and an inquiry as to *what* exactly he'd been putting in the sink...followed by Nathan and Noah trudging upstairs to unclog whatever it was the boys had put in the sink to "challenge" the shark. Boys. :)

Oh well. At least they were having fun. Actually, the boys and I had a very nice day today. I've been sick the past couple days so we've been mostly home doing a whole lot of nothing. I'm finally feeling better and we *needed* to get out of the house. As a treat, we headed briefly to my local scrapbook store (I had a coupon and it would be wrong not to use it, right?) then to Old Town (the very cool renovated downtown area)...where we hit a toy store, returned some Crocs, got Ben & Jerry's (which we ate outside in the sunshine), made wishes in the big fountain and stopped in a few other stores for some brief window shopping.

Then we returned home and played with some sidewalk chalk and water (Noah loves using the sprayer on the hose) in the driveway...having fun experimenting with how the colors changed when wet and how quickly they disappeared when sprayed directly and how fast you must run to escape being sprayed by a crazy 6 year old with a hose.  

Sigh. Good day.