So proud.

Okay, I have to brag for a moment here. My boys (primarily Noah right now, though Asher's starting to get interested) enjoy scrapbooking. Both have actually had artwork published (see Scrapbooking With Your Kids for some awesome ideas and view the boys' work on pages 62, 63, 90, 146 and 175). Tangent: I was re-reading our last year's holiday letter and noticed that Noah had expressed his own intention to be published...guess he made that happen, eh? Helps to be connected. ;)
So. After their first soccer games last weekend, Noah proclaimed that he now needed a soccer album and would make it himself. He explained to me that he needed a layout for each game (but I didn't have to take pictures at practices). Not to squash this opportunity, of course, I pulled out a handy 8x8 album for him (yay for the dollar spot at Target! I picked up a heap of these months ago and pull them out in cases like this) and asked him to pick out which pictures he wanted and let me know how big to print them. He made this sketch:
I didn't provide any input at all. Honest! Bursting with pride about this whole sketch thing, I promptly printed the photos and helped him gather embellishments. This is what he ended up with:
Aside from painting the wooden letters, I didn't provide outside assistance. He drew those pictures on his own (after a bit of coercing because he initially wanted me to draw the goal/net because he's a perfectionist (yes, I know where he gets it from so hush) and didn't want to risk "messing it up") and decided on picture placement and created that border strip and everything. Dude. I particularly love the pic of the ball in the lower right corner of that left page. Initially, he was going to put a big soccer ball sticker. Then he found this picture of his soccer ball. He decided to use that instead, place a red border around it and use black photo corners. Ya think he's been paying attention when I work? ;) He even cropped these photos before he let me print them out.
Asher, meanwhile, was not to be left out. With a bit more of my assistance, this is what he came up with:
With Asher, we settled on a standard layout that he'll use each week. He just has to pick out the pictures and come up with the title. He also added those little soccer ball stickers. :)
So. We'll do this seven more times. Question, now, for all you scrapping soccer moms out many soccer layouts do you do each season? I don't think I want to do one a week per boy for the season, know what I mean? Is one per boy for the season enough? Maybe one for the first game and one for the end of the season wrap up? Ideas would be more than welcome! (And feel free to pretty please answer my questions in my previous post as well!)

Reader Comments (8)
Wow! I can't even come up with a layout like that. I am impressed, but can see that they learned from watching a pro. Noah and Asher: Good work! It looks like you had fun with soccer too. Hugs!
Awww! Love the layout! as for soccer layouts, I think one minibook per season is good for me. I usually make one board book for me and one for the coach as a thank you.
Such great LOs!! LOVE the colors- and the photos choosen.... good job boys!!! Mom, you should be proud!!! :)
way cool! geez, maybe I should ask him for ideas! :)
woohoo!! They look great!!
Great pages - love the drawings and the SKETCH! Do they get their talent from you, or you from them?
i love that sketch he made ... that is so great that he took the initiative on this! and both of their layouts are incredible!
i for one rarely do layouts with my kids soccer pics ... is that terrible? lol! i might do one a year. i'm trying to figure out a system for keeping the pictures from each year organized ... right now i just have them in a metal tin seperated for each season.
Awesome layouts! They both did a really great job! I've usually only done one or two per season (unless they're some story or something extra that I want to record.)