Do not leave child unattended.

Um, normally Micah's an excellent eater. Very competent with fork and spoon and sometimes both at the same time. Last night, apparently, he got bored. The rest of us were sitting in the family room watching a movie (great little kid soccer movie, by the way...The Big Green...highly recommended!) and Micah was in the kitchen chowing. This is normal. He eats more than us and loves being in his chair anyhow. Our kitchen and family room are open with just a banister thing between so we can all totally see each other and he was watching the show also.
I suddenly hear a "splop" and went to investigate. This is what I found.
The kid had scooped out the remainder of his yogurt onto his tray (then dropped the container which is what I heard hit the floor), fingerpainted on the wall, and was using the rest as some sort of facial, hand and hair treatment. He was so happy. He earned himself another bath. Lucky for him, he's dang cute. :)

Reader Comments (3)
that photo is priceless!!
that picture is AWESOME!!
seriously one of my favorites!
Too cute!