Ahhhhh...fall is here!

Yes, I know it's not "officially" fall yet, but I'm pretty sure it started here over the weekend. I'm sooooo happy. I love fall. It's definitely my favorite season. No more sweating every time you go outside. No more worrying about dehydration from an afternoon at the park. No more warning little boys that metal in the sun is hot. Yup, fall is good. :)
That was pretty much all I had to say. Just walked out to the mailbox down the block and couldn't help smiling all the way back as I noted the lovely temperature and clean, crisp air. Last week it was still definitely shorts and tank tops weather. Now I'm starting to think about getting out the jeans and long sleeve tees. Love that.
What do you love about fall?

Reader Comments (2)
I keep waiting for fall to come, but I don't think it will ever come. Today it's cooling down and it's still going to be in the high 80s. Enjoy your fall. I'll let you know how mine is come November. LOL!
the smell!! it cooled down the other day(from the unseasonable high 95) and it just smelled right. can't explain it, just LOVE it.