Yikes...I'm a soccer mom!

Maybe it was inevitable. After all, I've attended probably hundreds of soccer games for my younger (more athletic) siblings. But then I was only the big sister...not the mom in charge of things like getting them outfitted and bringing snacks and all. I feel like such a grown up today. ;) Yes. Today the boys had their first official soccer games. It was a beautiful day for it...almost as if it suddenly decided to be fall.
Asher's game was first. We got there and he practiced with his team and was generally happy. (He had a fun first practice earlier this week.) Then the game started. It wasn't the most elegant game but most of the kids had fun. Asher's going to need to get accustomed to some bumping and falling and then getting back up rather than sitting down and pouting, though he did have a smile on his face whenever he was running. All in all, it went okay. I don't think it would be a stretch, though, to say that he had more fun at the playground after the game. ;) Look at how adorable he is, though: (he's the one in white)
During Asher's game, by the way, Micah managed to stay off the field of play and was mostly content with his own soccer ball. But not always:
I don't even remember precisely what he was upset about (just that he was so precious in his pout). It didn't last long. He spent most of the game watching a plane flying overhead (that kept circling for some reason). Whew.
So, then we had a bit of a break to get lunch and run home for a few things before Noah's game (fortunately, this week it turned out well like that...next week the games will overlap). Noah's practice earlier this week didn't go as well as Asher's...mostly because we didn't know what to expect and Noah needs that little bit of control found in knowing what will happen. He was still looking a bit grumpy during warm-ups today, but I think having watched Asher's game earlier helped a good bit. By kick-off, he was fully in the game and having a blast. Here he is blocking a goal:
Incidentally, in these age divisions no official score is kept and there are no goalies. Noah, though, informs me that his team won by two goals and Asher's by one. :) So. Now I have two boys looking forward to next week's games:
Aren't they cute?
And now, officially, I suppose I am a soccer mom. Do we get some sort of badge for this? ;)

Reader Comments (3)
I just have to say that they are so adorable in their little outfits!!! So cute! Wish I could be there to watch them play...and of course give some helpful tips! Miss you guys!
The boys look sooooo adorable Amanda. Love your photos the red and white really pop against the green grass. Have FUN!!!!
Summer :)
Ahhh, very cute! I'd love to come watch a game. I imagine it would be hilarious to watch at times too. I love reading your blog. Keep it up! Sorry to miss our lunch date today. Raincheck?