Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Wouldn't it be cool if we all could be superheroes? The boys were randomly talking about what super powers they would want today at lunch. Take a guess at what they decided (having limited themselves and saying each could only pick one power). Go ahead, guess.

Give up? Asher decided his super power (for today anyhow) would be to be able to find all the villains. Noah's super power would be the ability to change "bads" (villains) into "goods" (good guys). Is it just me or does that sound like a perfect duo? :) I know I'm reading way more into it than is there, but I'm pretty proud of these choices. Very cool. (Of course, they then proceeded to deem the houseflies that are driving us crazy (a few got inside somehow) as the villains and romped around the house trying to convert them! Boys.)

So...what would *your* super power be? (Really. I'm curious!) 

Oh, also, Prism Papers has a new blog. (I've also linked it up in my "Cool Stuff" page over there on the left.) You should check it out...they're up to some seriously funny and some seriously cool stuff over there. I've been privileged to work with them as part of their design team since the start of the year and must tell you that they've been wonderful to work with...of course, I don't get to enjoy their office antics but I suppose I'll settle for getting to play with all their yummy cardstock!  


I'm back...

Whew. Here I am. Home again at last. Sorry I haven't been posting lately...the past 3 weeks have been, well, they've been. Here's a run-down of what has been going on in my life for the past 21 days:

On Wednesday, August 15 I got one of those calls no one ever wants to receive...my mom calling to tell me my dad had been in a serious accident. She was on her way to the scene. A dozen or more phone calls later (between me, my mom, and all of my four brothers and sisters who were already driving from Seattle, Spokane and Boise) and what seemed like ages, though it was less than half an hour probably, led to the pronouncement of my dad's death. It was immediate. He was driving the tractor on the family farm, something he's done a gazillion times. Somehow it flipped in one of the steep banks of the wine grape area. It crushed his upper body.  My sister was working there that day and had sent someone to find him when he was late for lunch (he'd been seen just half an hour before). Thanks to my inlaws and husband I caught the next flight home and was with my family by midnight-ish.

The next few days were a blur of details as we sorted out the funeral arrangements and obituary and all. (Incidentally, if any of ya'll live near Prosser, WA and happen to subscribe to the Tri-Cities Herald, you might want to reconsider that. Let's just say there were some questionable ethics involved and the photo that ran in the next day's paper of my mom and sister grieving on site was published without permission or even notification. When I spoke with them a number of times on my family's behalf over the next few days, the only outcome was a "cold" apology letter (that my mom doesn't feel truly apologized at all) and me managing to get our submitted obituary to be free of charge.)

Saturday, Nathan and the boys flew in to join me (soooo happy to have them with me again...four plane tickets at the last minute aren't as easy to book...HUGE thanks to my inlaws for helping with that!).  Fabulous friends of my parents arranged for us to be able to use their 5th Wheel (camper thing) so that we could stay at the house with my mom.

Sunday we had a bit of a whirlwind group baptism. My sister was inspired, remembering that one of the last things my dad had been joking with her about was when she was going to get around to getting her twins baptized. My own youngest hadn't been baptized yet either, as we'd been waiting till we were able to fly home to Prosser to do so and hadn't been back since my Asher's baptism in July of 2004. And my brother's son had managed to go unbaptized as well, needing, though, to do so before November when he turns 7 for religious education class purposes. Given that we were finally all in one place at one time, we sprang this on the priest (who was wonderfully cooperative) and managed to baptize all four boys just before the Rosary Service for my dad that night. He would have liked that. Here are the baptism boys...Cade, Quinn, Aidan and my Micah. (Don't they look cute in their matching outfits? My sister and I couldn't help ourselves and bought matching outfits for her twins and my Micah...they're only 6 weeks apart in age. Quinn is just three weeks younger than my Noah as well...gotta love having cousins so close in age!)


The Rosary Service was tough.

The Funeral Mass was the next day and went beautifully. My dad would have been so proud of my mom, brother and sister as they shared. We all stood up there together. It's one of those times I won't forget.

The rest of the week was full of more details and meetings and trying to sort things out. Ugh. This will go on for quite awhile and I wish I could be closer to help my mom in person rather than just over the phone. On the plus side, the boys got to play plenty with their cousins whom they don't see often enough.

Friday we had our own private family celebration of life up at the house where my dad grew up. The grandkids all released balloons and we wore Seahawks jerseys in honor of my dad, one of their most loyal fans. Here are my niece Alexis and my Asher (who's three months older and a whole head shorter) watching the balloons disappear:


Saturday, the boys, Nathan and I flew back to Colorado, along with Nathan's parents who'd been planning this vacation since Christmas. We got home late Saturday, did some laundry Sunday and repacked our bags, and headed out to Estes Park for the week on Monday. We stayed in a nice three bedroom time share unit just along a little river there. The boys threw rocks in the river, swam, earned another Junior Park Ranger badge in Rocky Mountain National Park, did some indoor rock climbing, played miniature golf in a rain storm, got some more rocks for their rock collections, and just generally had a fabulous time.  I appreciated the break from the grieving and from cooking (hee hee) and just focused on the boys building their relationship with their grandparents. (Nathan actually was only able to spend the evenings with us, as he had to work during the day...trying to catch up on the week and a half missed while in Washington.)

Friday we headed back here to Fort Collins...ahhh, to sleep in my own bed again. :) Saturday Nathan managed to rearrange his schedule (he normally works Saturdays also) so we spent the day altogether. Nathan took a ride in a glider at the local glider port just north of Fort Collins, and the boys watched in fascination (I have pictures). Then we got some lunch and headed into Old Town for some awesome water play and ice cream before heading home. (Don't worry, Micah truly loved this...honest!)


Nathan's folks volunteered to watch the boys that night so Nathan and I could have an evening out...we got some dinner and watched The Bourne Ultimatum (which was great but made me way nauseous in the way it was filmed, yeah, I'm a wimp like that). Sunday, Nathan had to work for the first part of the day (part of that schedule swapping thing) then was home in time to drive his folks to the airport.

Monday, then, things started finally getting back to "normal" around here. Except that our summer routine was already abnormal due to my book stuff. And our fall routine will be different than before because we've added soccer for the oldest two (a first for us) and music class for the youngest. Meaning our weeks will have three music classes (fortunately all at the same time), two soccer practices, two soccer games, religious ed for Noah on Wednesdays, Sunday School for Asher, homeschool park days once a week, and homeschool co-op every other week. Not to mention my own stuff or Nathan's. Oy. Life was easier when Noah and Asher were in all the same classes but we've reached the point where that's not going to be the case any more in order to be fair to both boys and their individual needs.

So, we had to go find soccer gear, having already missed two weeks of practice. Yesterday, all three started fall music classes at Philomusica. Later today we have soccer practice...fortunately, both boys' practices are at roughly the same time at the same general location. Let's hope the two games every Saturday for the next 8 weeks turn out to be doable as well. I still have plenty of work to catch up on for Creating Keepsakes, though they've been awesomely understanding and easy to work with on my missed deadlines.

Basically, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. If you've read this far, you probably are, too. ;) Thanks for listening.

In any case, I'm back now and will be getting back into the groove. Just hang in there with me, okay? Oh, and go take a picture of yourself with people you love. Seriously. Right this minute. It's important. Trust me.  



I need to make a list.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed of late. You'd think that after a month of crazy creating for the visuals for my book, I'd be ready for a creative break and content to just focus on other stuff. That's what I thought. I was wrong. For some reason, now I just have heaps and buckets of ideas going through my head practically all the time. I need to figure out a way to jot them down. I love lists but this seems to call for something more "loose" than a list. (Gasp! Did I say that? Me? The queen of lists!)

So. I'm in search of a cool way to record my random thoughts...which vary from simple title treatment ideas to full projects...from other book ideas (yes, I am a glutton for punishment but am so inspired right now) to games to make the boys using scrapping materials...from Christmas gift ideas (things to make) to layout designs...and everything in between. What do you do? Anyone have any ideas that work well for them? I've seen lots of inspiration journals and actually have one myself. But. I don't seem to ever look at it again after I jot down things in it. So...thoughts? 

ETA: Incidentally, since purging and cleaning my scrap space, I also find myself doing a good bit of window shopping for new supplies to overfill my space with. I've been having great fun looking through Etsy stores and my local scrapbook store and everywhere else. All this merely fuels the idea overload. So. Do me a favor, and *don't* tell me your favorite places to shop. Okay? Okay. ;) 


Family History

Whoa. Another post from me in less than 24 hours. Weird. :)

In any case, this was just pointed out to me, so I wanted to point it out to you because it's just darn cool. Creating Keepsakes' new Family History Workbook is now available for preorder! There's a sneak peek up on the CK site this week only that you should see...check out the cute pictures of my dad as a kid. ;)  Now, I still haven't seen this book in person, but I hear it's awesome. I have 12 layouts in there plus a mini album and it was just great fun working on it all! Since this, I've been inspired to finally start pulling out the family history pictures and documenting them...something I think everyone "means" to do but doesn't always get around to. Yay!

Okay, now go back and make sure to read my post from last night. :) 


Various "schtuff"

First of all, I just made the most adorable little mini album! It was for my design team duties at The Treasure Box (my local scrapping store), but it's so cute and easy that I'm making one for myself also. After a month of making stuff for the book, this was a welcome little distraction. I'll post pictures this weekend!

Second, my layouts and projects for my book go postal (okay, not through the post office, though, so does that mean they're going UPS-al?) TOMORROW morning! Woooohooo! I'm sad to see them go, but it's also a relief to just have them out of my hands. By the way, the release date on my book got moved to November 2008. Complicated story, but it'll be good. :) So sorry for the additional wait, though. Trust me, I'll be waiting just as impatiently as everyone else! *laugh*

Third, does anyone know of any good kids books (like for toddlers) with lots of pictures of planes? Micah's a bit obsessed of late (gee, wonder where he gets that?) with planes of any sort. He wore a tee shirt with a car on it today and went around making car noises all day and pointing out cars everywhere but kept asking for planes. He prefers things that fly. :) (Yes, need to find more shirts with planes also.)

Okay, that was all for now. :)