So. Here are 12 random things about Christmas around here:
1. Micah is darn cute. Okay, that's not really about Christmas, but if you could see his face light up when he sees *any* Santa or Christmas lights, you'd understand. He shouts "Ho Ho!" whenever he sees anything related to Christmas and has taken to singing "Jingle Bells" but using only "ho ho ho" as the words.
2. We made our own version of the popular button trees today:
From left to right, there's Asher's, Micah's and Noah's. Wrapped the styrofoam cone in patterned paper for the older two boys but not Micah's. (I actually hadn't planned for Micah to participate but the bugger woke up early from his nap and I had to improvise.) I tried to convince the boys to cover their trees in buttons, like Micah and I did, but they insisted that was wrong. After all, they said, we don't put ornaments *all* over our real tree. Who can argue with logic like that? Micah, by the way, was adorable working on his. He would select and place the button and I stuck the pins in...every couple buttons he'd hold up his tree for his brothers to admire, saying "Look! Look! Mine."
3. I've officially decided that I will no longer send Christmas cards. Instead, we will send "year in review" cards, which will arrive any time after Christmas and before St. Patrick's Day. :) That's not wrong, right? Or. I may change my mind next year...just depends on how far behind I am. This year, we're going the "year in review" route.
4. So...we were decorating the tree and I was trying to convince everyone to play this new game of "freeze" so that I could take some pictures ( try getting a 2 year old to hold still so you can take a picture without blur!). That very night, Nathan bought me an early Christmas gift...a dedicated flash for my camera (a Canon Speedlite 430EX for those who know what that means). Yay! It means I've actually been able to take more pictures this winter! I've always found it difficult because we're not outside as much and indoor pictures of three young boys are, um, tough to get without a flash...but the built in flash so blows out photos, ya know? So, Nathan gave it to me early so I can actually get some holiday prep pictures. Yup, he's a keeper. ;)
5. Does anyone know when the snow will melt? I was told we'd have a mild winter given our rather large amount of snow last year (where we didn't see our yard or street from December till late February). Yet, it snowed a week ago and has only continued snowing intermittently, no melting. Course, I do enjoy white Christmases. Hmmm...
6. I'm *this* close to seeing the floor in my office! Making significant progress in the reorganizing and purging. It's to a point, finally, where I can actually scrap again...yay! (What does this have to do with Christmas, you ask? Well, it would explain why I'm behind on my Christmas projects and gifts, wouldn't it?) :)
7. On a related note, I now need to reorganize the upstairs office that I've taken over in my efforts to reorganize my main floor scrap space. The upstairs office is going to be primarily for storage but right now I can't even walk in there. Ties in to Christmas because my plan is to tackle this during the week after Christmas while Nathan's parents are here...John & Nancy, fair warning. Gonna add some shelves/bookcases and I'll need assistance with the hauling and assembling and distraction of boys. ;)
8. Are you done with your Christmas shopping? We're in the home stretch, I think. Now just need to wrap and ship heaps of stuff in the very near future. Once upon a time (before kids) I was really good about being completely done by now...
9. I bought myself a little something yesterday at this cool Etsy store...gonna get them tomorrow (local pick up) and am stoked to use them...already have a couple layouts in mind. Okay, that one's really not about Christmas at all. But, if you buy stuff from there and give it to your scrappy friends, then it would count, right?
10. Noah and Asher have been enjoying piano classes more lately...practicing Christmas songs is apparently much more fun than otherwise. :) Noah will play his piece at their annual Christmas recital at the local mall this weekend. Asher opted not to but is still enjoying the practicing.
11. It felt like Christmas here the other day when my latest box of Prism papers arrived! Some fun new colors (totally loving one in particular) and, well, I just plain love cardstock. I'm simple like that. :) If you haven't tried Prism papers, you don't know what you're missing. Seriously.
12. I must remember to go rent "Miracle on 34th Street" soon! It's just not Christmas without watching it. What Christmas movies are a must for you?
Okay, that's 12. No. I will not do 11 random things tomorrow. ;)