One little word...

Bit o' background...check out Ali's blog entries here and here to see what I'm talking about. Also, check out the One Little Word blog. Now then, my word for 2008 is...drumroll, please...SMALL. Here's the layout I made about it:
The journaling, which is obviously too "small" reads:
One little word. The challenge is to identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in the coming year. Last year, I chose the word “create” and I think it worked out rather well. I found myself coming back to the word again and again…reminding myself to create the life I wanted. Of course, things didn’t always turn out how I’d have liked, but the point was that I chose to deliberately try.
For 2008, my “theme” is going to be that good things come in small packages. My word will be SMALL. I choose to start SMALL, to value SMALL and to collect SMALL.
START SMALL. I want to avoid becoming overwhelmed by life…by focusing on starting SMALL. I know that those times in the past year when I’ve felt the most out of control and seemingly unable to accomplish anything were times when I let my to do list get the better of me. When I take a step back and start with one or two SMALL things, though, the list isn’t nearly as intimidating. An immediate result of this is that I’m going to divide up my larger 2008 goals list by month. Rather than saying that I want to have Christmas shopping mostly done by Thanksgiving, I’ll say that I’m going to prep all my neighbor and teacher gifts during October…will address year end letters during November…stuff like that. Rather than simply saying I want to go through the house and really purge, I’ll say that I’m going to tackle closets and clothes in January, the kitchen in February, the basement in March…you get the idea.
VALUE SMALL. Speaking of purging, I want to simplify our material belongings and our lifestyle in general so that I can concentrate on quality rather than quantity…so that I don’t miss the SMALL things in the sea of everything else. In working to create the home we want, I’m finding great satisfaction in reorganizing and letting go of “things.” I have noticed that one SMALL “right” item makes much more of an impact than many larger “wrong” items.
Further, I am reminded lately that SMALL actions can make a big difference. I want to get back in the practice of SMALL touches like handmade cards that actually get sent and taking the time to wrap gifts prettily. Things like this brighten my day and I want to do the same for others.
COLLECT SMALL. Finally, I want to collect SMALL memories. I see my boys growing up on me and am noticing that as they get older there aren’t as many grand milestones like learning to walk or starting to talk. Instead, I must now measure growth in more subtle ways, observing the SMALL changes from day to day. I want to remember to be aware of the SMALL steps, the SMALL moments, the SMALL achievements. I keep a calendar by my desk so that I can jot these things down.
Along those same lines, having lost my dad this last year, I now have a much greater appreciation for cherishing these SMALL things. When I think of the things I miss most, it’s often the smallest trait or habit…things I didn’t before think to document…things I’d miss if I didn’t take the time to collect these memories. I know now how important these SMALL things are and want to record them.
Yes. SMALL is my one little word for 2008, and I think it’s perfect. 2007 was full of “big” things…good and bad. And those “big” things taught me that, though big changes and news can be wonderful, the bulk of my life is comprised of the SMALL things. I appreciate that. After all, good things really do come in SMALL packages.
And there you have it...what's your word for 2008?

Reader Comments (2)
perfect word for 2008, amanda.
i love your reason for choosing it.
the small things are always the most important to me.
i haven't chosen a word yet.
it'll come to me.
I love that Amanda! what a great thought, what a great philosophy. My word is diligent. My stumbling block in the past has been procrastination and sometimes a lack of focus. I would start many different things but not always finish. I wanted a word that meant follow through. productive, industrious. DILIGENT. that is my word for 2008. :)