Or so the boys tell me. ;) Things here are mixed...part of the time I feel like I'm finally nearing the end of the holiday craziness and part of the time I feel utterly behind. I'm sure you understand.
In light of that...here are some random and completely unrelated tidbits:
Apparently, you get to be an Autobot until you turn 30, at which point you become a Decepticon. This is what the boys were explaining to Uncle Zach (who's 28) when he was trying to figure out why Nathan and I have to be Decepticons. See? It really is worse after 30. Bwaahaahaa!
Micah was so sweet this morning...making us all wear our "ho ho hat" (yes, we each have a red and white Santa hat). Every time I'd take mine off, he'd bring it right back to me with such a happy little grin that I ended up with hat hair all day.
Noah played in his music school's piano recital Sunday. He did a great job. Asher was invited to play but declined this year.
For a week or two now, Micah's been exclaiming that there's a ghost in our master bathroom. He would peek through the door, shout "ghost! ghost!" and run away giggling. I could not figure out why this was...until yesterday, when he finally pointed out the actual "ghost." In the cabinet above the toilet, we have a refill for one of those shower cleaner things. It's by the Scrubbing Bubbles people. Did you know that those scrubbing bubbles look an awful lot like ghosts? ;) What a cutie!
I had a meeting tonight and Uncle Zach got to officially babysit the boys. Micah didn't even blink when I left, just turned to me and said "bye, bye" and went back to playing (to date, he's often cried when left with non-parents). When I got home, this is what I found:
Yes, Uncle Zach was shooting the boys with dart guns...and they were lovin' it. :) You should have seen their happy faces. Heck, they even convinced Uncle Zach to make cookies with them (admittedly, just the store bought cookie dough stuff, but still). All in all, good nephew-uncle bonding was had.
Okay, back to crossing things off the ol' "to do" list now...hope your holiday season is going well!