Guess how many...a giveaway!!

Happy sigh. Just got home from an all day charity crop in Cheyenne and it was awesome! Not only did all proceeds to go a worthy cause (the Lewis Family Benefit Crop that you can read more about here) but a good friend and I had a little competition to see who could finish the most pages, and tied! I'm really feeling pretty dang happy about the whole thing and am in a giving sort of mood, so the first person to correctly guess how many layouts I completed will get a prize! (FYI, the crop was from 9 am to 9 pm and meals were donated so we didn't have to leave the building.)
Just leave me your guess in the comments section below and I'll post when someone's guessed sure to check back, as you'll need to see your name and then email me with your contact info.
Disclaimer: Marti, Keri, Debbie and anyone else who was actually there are not allowed to guess. ;)
ETA: As of right now (12:30 pm MST Sunday, 1/20), no one has guessed correctly...keep guessing...

Reader Comments (11)
Awwwwwww, I was excited for a minute. I thought I actually had a chance to win ;o) .
dang, i'd be so jealous if you completed 12 layouts!! haha! all in the name of a good cause, though!
way to go!! :)
You look very efficient to me so I say 15! Wouldn't that be great to finish 15 LOs in one day?!
Everyone else already guessed my number so I am going to guess 18. I'm glad to hear you had fun. You guys going to the stock show?
I'll guess 20. Glad you had fun.
I will guess that you finished 10 layouts.
I am going to guess 14
Hi Amanda! I am going to guess 31. You are usually very organized and probably had preplanned pages. Plus you were trying to beat your friend.