
Apparently, I've been "tagged" by the lovely Pamela. So, I'm supposed to share 7 random things about myself. Here goes:
1. I'm one of the odd people who loves the smell of coffee but does NOT like to drink it. (The only way coffee is to be ingested, in my opinion, is mixed with ice cream.)
2. One of the sayings I've heard the very most this month is "BUT I'M ON YOUR TEAM!" Yes, yelled usually. Said by Asher to Noah.
3. I don't mind watching the same show over and over...whether it be a total chick flick like "Sweet Home Alabama" or Micah's favorite of late, "Jo Jo's Circus."
4. I'm still really bummed that "Alias" ended.
5. I might love organizing my supplies more than actually using them. Might. ;)
6. My fingers are double jointed and it freaks Nathan out.
7. I eat hamburgers and sandwiches in a circle...always eat around the outside first. I don't know why. I've caught Noah and Micah doing the same thing. Hee hee.
Oh, and one more random thing. I'm notorious for breaking chain letters. Hence. I won't "tag" seven more people but will simply challenge anyone reading this who has a blog to share... ;)

Reader Comments (4)
so glad someone else is bummed that alias ended. and i started rewatching season one at the beginning of the year. sigh, SO good.
So glad someone else won't do the chain letter thing - I thought I was the only one.
Okay the coffee thing, me too, love the smell but HATE the taste. And i can watch a film over and over and over again!!! sad isnt it!!! lol.
Hi Amanda!! Glad to see I'm no the only one who breaks chain letters!!!
So here is my blog to share with you. http://debbie-lovescrappin.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to seeing you in Cheyenne Saturday!