Thankful Thursday: TBT edition

Happy Pi Day, everyone! Today's Thankful Thursday is a Throwback Thursday (TBT) edition. Here are five random March memories...
32 years ago. Thirty two years ago today, Nathan and I met. :) So very thankful for that!
(I've shared this photo before but it's the only one I have of us from that year. It was taken about a month after we met. I explained our initial meeting more here.)
21 years ago. Our first winter in Colorado introduced us to Colorado's March snowstorms. We're in the middle of one now, though Fort Collins isn't getting hit nearly as much as areas around us. This is Noah at our rental 21 years ago...
It was A LOT of snow. Thankful that I don't mind the snow most of the time, that mostly it melts not long after the big snow, that my own driveway didn't require shoveling this morning, and that all of mine no longer require assistance putting on or taking off snow gear, lol.
14 years ago. Fourteen years ago, we road-tripped to San Diego. We saw lots of things and took lots of pictures and bought lots of Legos. :) (You can read more about it in March and April 2010 posts here on my blog.)
Thankful for the memories, the time spent together, and that once upon a time boys cooperated with dressing in coordinating outfits when on vacation so I could find them easier and so pictures looked better, lol.
10 years ago. Ten years ago, in a bout of adulting, we redid our master bedroom. It was overdue and fabulous. To this day, I still do a happy sigh when I walk into the room. :)
(Here's the blog post with before and afters...along with the posts before and after it, lol.)
Last weekend. Not so much of a throwback but last weekend Asher and Noah worked together to build Asher's new computer. (His laptop suffered a critical injury while in his backpack when Asher rolled to avoid a collision on his One Wheel with a pedestrian who was on his phone and not paying attention. He decided to replace it with a desktop computer instead of another laptop.)
Thankful both that they have the knowledge to do all of that and that they did it together. :)
(Asher's on spring break this week so has had the time to work on setting things up on his computer. He's also been working part time back at his old YMCA job since that school district isn't on spring break right now, though they did cancel school today on account of the snow.)
Meanwhile, the CU Boulder Taekwondo club posted this on their Instagram story this week...
Yes, that's Micah in red. Thankful that he's found his people. :)
Okay, that's enough from me for now. Hope you're all staying warm and that you take a moment to reminisce today.

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