27 years

Yup, yesterday was the anniversary of the day Nathan and I met...27 years ago. He walked into my house in Prosser for a church youth group weekend meeting. The whole Diocesan Youth Council spent the night at our house, with meetings and games and talking aplenty. The next day, after more of the same, everyone headed out...and Nathan hung back, making excuses to stick around before making the hour drive back to his house...and thereby letting me know he was interested.
And the rest, as they say, is history. :)
Okay, yes, there were plenty of twists and turns in our story. But, hey, March 14 remains the day we met and a day we celebrate.
Yesterday, we went out to a fabulous dinner and Nathan got me these beautiful flowers:
He explained that he got Prosser school colors, red and white, since that's where we met. :)
So very blessed to have this man in my life!

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