Thankful Thursday

Just a quick post today. We've been doing a lot of shopping around here lately...
1. Noah bought a new car. Back on the 18th (after weeks and weeks of research, a number of test drives (mostly while Nathan and I were in Vegas) and discussions with the dealership), Noah bought himself a new car. It's a Mazda 3 all wheel drive hatchback. Thanks to his time working at the bank and his general good financial sense, he got a good financing deal. He's happy. :)
Thankful that he's adulting. :) Also, him having his own car means that it wasn't problematic for Micah to take our Audi back to Boulder for part of spring break this week, lol.
2. Other shopping. I've also been doing plenty of other shopping...for travel items after our Vegas trip and before upcoming trips, for Easter basket items for boys, and for Micah's infusions. Look! I bought this for Micah:
It's a hoodie with zippers on the sleeves so that he can still wear a hoodie while having his infusions. (It's often quite chilly in the infusion clinic and the actual infusion is cold liquid, too.) I found this lovely company called Be Well that makes them. They also make hoodies with zippers for chemo ports and other infusion related items. So happy that a company like this exists!
3. Date lunch. It's not exactly shopping, but Nathan and I had our date lunch today at Stone Flower...where The Fox & The Crow used to be. We were quite happy with our meal and particularly happy with our dessert...
It's a crema catalana...a creme brulee with jam and honeycomb. It was DELICIOUS. So thankful to have succumbed and tried it in the first place. (We were almost "good" and didn't order dessert, lol.)
Mostly, I'm just very aware of how blessed we are to be shopping in the first place. Thankful. :)

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