Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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« Thankful Thursday | Main | Five on Friday »

Thankful Thursday

Time for some catching up...feels like lots of stuff going on, not super busy, just busy. Warning, this gets long. :)

1. Childhood home. For those who don't know, my mom recently sold our family home. We'd moved there in 1980 and added a major addition plus three more siblings over the next four years. So many memories and experiences over the years! It was truly a terrific place to grow up. But. It was time. Even without the orchards attached (my mom separated the residence from the orchard lots awhile back and sold them after my dad died), the house was too much maintenance for just my mom (and gram). Fortunately, shortly after finding a buyer for the place, my mom was able to find an almost new house just about 20-30 minutes away...smaller and newer and so pretty. Amid numerous potential issues (that were thankfully all sorted out), she packed up and purged and sorted and managed to move at the start of April. Woohoo! Thankful she's found a great new place!

2. First vaccine shots. At the end of March and start of April, Nathan, Noah, Asher and I all managed to get our first Covid vaccine shots! We all ended up receiving the Moderna shots, for those who are curious, so will get our second shots in a couple weeks. So thankful that Colorado opened up eligibility for the general public sooner than anticipated...particularly because Micah isn't yet eligible because he's not yet 16. (If he were 16, he'd have been eligible for the vaccine sooner than the rest of us due to his auto-immune issues and the immunosuppressants that he's on.)

Getting vaccinated is our way of doing our part to try to protect him since he can't protect himself. My heart goes out to all those other families with members who likewise are immune-compromised and not able to protect themselves. Here's hoping society reaches the numbers needed to allow people like Micah to participate again fully and soon. 

(Sidenote: there are currently studies underway looking at whether the covid vaccines even work on people on immunosuppressants. In certain cases, they aren't. The immunosuppressants are preventing antibodies from developing. We and Micah's doctor are watching this closely and hoping there will be more answers and guidance before Micah's eligible for the vaccine. If the vaccine won't work for him, the only way to get back to "normal" for him is for society to reach herd immunity...which will be difficult given current vaccine hesitation.)

3. Easter. Noah came to spend the day with us on Easter and we found ourselves at the park for some volleyball again. (This was after we quickly learned that our yard was not a good place for practicing...as Micah had to retrieve the ball from two different neighbors' yards, lol.) We're definitely making progress and having fun along the way... 

In the end, Nathan and I took on Noah and Micah in a game where we actually kept score...and Nathan and I WON! Ha!

(Beyond all that, we also had a lovely day with some brats and burgers grilled outside.)

4. Spring. Spring has officially sprung! I've been enjoying some of the bulbs we planted last fall and I'm hoping they all fare well in the snow that's forecast for this week. 

5. Peter. Still enjoying our squirrels. Lately, Peter's been entertaining us. We named him after Spiderman given the way he bounds up the window to the platform. Plus, he just gives off a teenager sort of vibe, lol.

6. Boot camp at the park. Not this past Monday but the Monday before, we managed to have boot camp at the park again for the first time in 2021! Even though I'm not a fan of the running that ends up happening when we get together in person, lol, I so enjoy seeing everyone not through the computer screen.

7. Micah. Micah's doing pretty well. He's super thankful that this latest treatment plan seems to be working--he's feeling so much better. He's also had his advising appointment for next fall (though he can't register for his classes quite yet since they'll be at the community college), so it's nice to have that taken care of. His job is going well; he's working about 16 hours a week and is stoked for the opportunity. (And all of his small crew of co-workers have received at least one vaccine shot so far.) Getting paid is also nice, lol. He recently placed a number of Amazon orders as he's working on expanding his wardrobe. So. He's happy. 

8. Asher. Asher's maybe not as happy as Micah; senioritis is real, folks. ;) He's got 3.5 weeks of classes left and two of his classes, in particular, are work. He has Calculus 3 and Calc-based Physics right now, which are both college courses that he'll transfer to UNO that will count toward his degree there, so they matter. (Because he didn't start full time at CEC until his junior year, there hasn't been as much wiggle room in his schedule for "extra"/lighter classes. So far, though, he's sporting straight A's so would like to finish strong.) When not working on schoolwork or at karate, he's been attending a number of UNO virtual information sessions about his degree program and housing and the honors program and study abroad and all sorts of things. They've been really well run and informative and, even though it's extra time in his schedule right now, they're helping him become more comfortable with the school and people and programs. 

9. Noah. Noah's actually on spring break this week. CSU moved their spring break to later in the semester so that everything can go virtual/remote after break...decreasing the risk of spreading covid with students traveling and returning. (Students in dorms are moving out this week and heading home for the most part to finish the semester from home.) It's the first time all my boys haven't had the same spring break but we managed to get together for at least a little bit. On Sunday, we picked Noah up and headed to Old Town for a yummy lunch outside...(not the greatest picture at all, lol)...

...and then we came home and played some games. (Honestly, we waffled about whether to have Noah come home. Technically, he's a separate household and we didn't all wear masks in the house and we hadn't really been doing anything together indoors...had been following the same protocols as with everyone else. But. Noah gets tested on campus every week so had a very recent negative test and hadn't been around anyone else other than his roommate between then and Sunday. Given also that Noah tends to keep his distance naturally, we decided it was an acceptable risk. Also, he's more than a week past his first vaccine shot so has some protection. Anyhow, sorry...my point was just that, yes, we're still taking precautions to the point of having to really think about whether to even have our son in our house in our efforts to protect Micah.)

Asher and Micah had classes and homework this week (since their spring break was back in March), but we still played some games even on Tuesday morning before taking Noah back to his apartment later in the day. He's got homework to work on over break and will be finishing the semester online. 

10. More eBay listings. I listed a few more random things (not legos, lol) on eBay on Sunday and have already sold and shipped most of them. Thankful for being able to print postage from home and make a little money off of things we're no longer using. 

Okay, that got longer than intended and I need to stop overthinking it and just post it and get to bed. :) Will work on posting more frequently. :)

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