Five on Friday

Missed my Thankful Thursday but figured I'd do Five on Friday instead. :) Here are five random things to share today...
1. Volleyball. Last weekend, Noah and his roommate joined us so that Micah could get us all out to play some volleyball. For the record, we've never played volleyball before, lol. Micah recently watched an anime series heavily featuring the sport, though, and wanted to try it out. So, Noah and Garrett drove down and we all ate lunch in the backyard before walking over to the neighborhood park.
(Nathan and Micah had tried this a week or so earlier...with a soccer ball since that's what we had. In the meantime, I ordered an actual volleyball, which helped.)
We were out there for a couple hours. We made some progress...some more than others, lol. Everyone but me had actually watched that anime show so had ideas of what to do. I actually grew up watching my parents play volleyball, but that truly didn't help me at all. :) Asher tried some trick serves that involved flips and spins and kicks, Garrett is taller than all of us, and I think we had a pretty good time.
2. Springtime weather. The weather was also gorgeous last weekend! (It's fabulous right now, too!!) Love the sunshine and warmth! The one hitch is that we always forget to make sure Nathan wears sunscreen at the start of the he got pretty red last weekend. He says it was worth it. :)
3. Remote learning. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but Micah's school went back to full time in-person learning after spring break. Given his immunosuppressants and our worries about spikes after spring break travels, we got permission from the school for him to continue remotely for a couple of weeks before deciding if he'd switch to in-person. Today marks the end of that two weeks. With only five weeks left in the term, though, and numbers rising in our county right now, we've opted to keep him fully remote through the rest of the school year.
4. Fortunes. Interesting fortunes in our cookies last week...
5. More steps. I've been tackling a different fitness goal each month this year. April's involves taking more steps. Once upon a time, I got in my 10,000 steps a day. I've been nowhere near that lately and am realizing it. ;P So, during April, don't be surprised if you see me walking around the neighborhood or complaining after I actually convince myself to go for a run, lol.
Okay, off for now. A lovely weekend to all of you!

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