Thankful Thursday

It's so beautiful today! Feeling blessed today and also a bit shocked that it's already almost May. :) Here are things I'm thankful for today...
1. Immune responses. On Tuesday, Nathan and I got our second covid vaccine shots:
We spent yesterday pretty much wiped...fever, bodyaches, headache, chills, etc. In retrospect, we wondered whether maybe we should have staggered our shots so we weren't both out at the same time. But. We enjoyed our day together binge-watching shows and taking naps. Fortunately, boys are all old enough to get themselves to where they needed and keep themselves alive and fed, lol.
And today we both feel so much better! Woohoo! We'll definitely take 24 hours of feeling like that in exchange for not potentially being sick for weeks (or months) and for reducing the risk for our boys and community.
Also, wow. It's been years and years since I've been that sick. For both of us, it had been more than a year since we'd been sick at all. Fabulous appreciation for our health today.
(PS Noah and Asher will get their second shots this weekend. They've already both been warned to finish any homework before the weekend, just in case, lol.)
2. Spring cleaning. I didn't really have my normal spring cleaning to do this year. A year of pandemic quarantine projects mostly took care of that, lol. But, as we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on the school year, we're starting to think about some summer projects. One of those is reorganizing our vehicle situation. Asher's going to be buying Reg from us and taking him to Nebraska in the fall. So, we'll be checking Reg over and making sure everything's good to go. Nathan and Asher made a start of it last weekend in figuring out that we need to replace the spare tire.
(In case you're wondering, our plan is to find and acquire a replacement for Reg and sell Audrey. We'd like to sort that out before Micah gets his license in August. If you happen to know anyone selling a used 4WD SUV, let me know.)
3. Precipitation. Thankful for the rain in the forecast! While rain is always good, I'm particularly thankful for it right now since we're on a water shortage watch here in Fort Collins. (With last year's historic wildfires, the anticipation is that one of our main water sources may be unavailable at times due to sediment and ash runoffs.) Plus, another week of not needing to turn on the outside water is always welcome.
4. Fall registrations. Micah finished his registration for fall classes last Friday. Nice to have that all sorted. Noah also finalized his fall plans. (He'd registered weeks ago but had to decide on one class last Friday.) He'll also be taking a couple of summer (online) classes to lighten the load his senior year. Asher's got orientation for UNO beginning this weekend and then will be able to register for fall classes later in May.
5. Spring weather. So happy with the sunshine lately! Not only do I just love the sunshine and nicer weather, but it's meant that we're back to having at least some of our boot camps at the park and that Lynne and I were able to meet up outside to work out on Saturday. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for being able to work out in my basement, but it's awesome to work out actually with other people sometimes. :)
Okay, other stuff I'm forgetting, I'm sure. That's what I'm thankful for at the moment, though. Hope everyone's been having a great April and looking forward to May!

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