Thankful Thursday

Hi again. Not much new to report here...just a few small gratitudes today...
1. Figuring out my technology. I have bluetooth earbuds. Usually, I pair them with my phone when I go for a run but, as the weather's been getting warmer (aside from last week's snow, obviously, lol), carrying my phone's become more of a problem. My running gear lacks pockets big/secure enough. (I'd been wearing a jacket that has pockets when it was colder.) But, this week I figured out how to pair my earbuds to my Apple watch! Yes, it's always been able to do that and is actually one of the reasons I got the watch I did...I'd just never taken the time to figure it out and do it before, lol. So...sweet. Thankful for small things like this that make other things easier.
2. That both Asher & Micah do karate. Obviously, Karate West has been closed since mid-March. They've still been offering classes via video, but my guys took a bit of a break (which was probably okay since they already know most of the material being done via video and since they've been doing karate mostly non stop for almost ten years now). They've been starting back up recently (via video), especially since Micah's still hoping to be able to test for his second degree black belt this summer. And I'm thankful that they have each other...because the parts that Micah needs for the testing right now require a partner. :)
3. Tea. I don't drink coffee generally. It's become habit, though, to drink tea a couple times a day. My first glass of the day is almost always Tazo ginger green tea, but my second glass varies every day. Lately, I've been enjoying this type...I especially like the little messages on the tags...
4. That pole. I finally sent (finished) a route on the overhang portion of our home climbing wall! (Note: I have sent a route on the vertical wall already...yay, me!) With Micah shouting/cheering me on, I finally grabbed that top rail earlier this week. :) And, then, since I still didn't really want to drop from the top (though Micah and Asher were yelling at me to just drop), I scooted over to the side and slid right down the pole! Woohoo! So glad that Nathan opted for the pole as part of the design...really handy to get down. :) (And I've been trying to climb up it whenever I'm climbing to work on upper body strength more.)
Okay, that's it for now. Lots of other things to be thankful for, truly, but this is my list for today. :) Hope you and yours have plenty to be thankful for also!

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