Micah Monday

Just a few quick notes related to Micah today...
1. We were both delighted to be approached about our home climbing wall and have it featured last week as the Climbing Business Journal's first Homewall of the Week. Woohoo!
2. He's a little crazy:
Last Thursday, the boy decided to fully experience our almost foot of fresh snow. He made a snow angel and belly flopped into it a couple times...dressed like this. ;P
3. On Saturday, he was "coaching" me in my climbing. (He calls it coaching...I say bullying, lol. Let's just say he's encouraging and leave it at that.) During that, he added a hold to one of the routes I was working on. Not wanting to bother getting the ladder, he just hung from the top...when he found he needed another hand, he used his foot...
Such a talented boy.
That was all. :)

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