Weekend Wrap-up

Just wanted to share a few pictures before Thursday. :) Here are some of the things we did this past weekend...
1. Homeowner tasks. That almost foot of snow we had a bit ago managed to break a couple big branches in one of our trees, so Nathan, Micah and I spent a couple hours Saturday clearing that out...
You can just barely see Nathan up in the top of the tree in the top left photo. The picture below that is his view where the branch snapped. In order to try to keep the branch from falling into our neighbors' yard, we tied off the branch and Micah pulled it into our yard as Nathan finished sawing it free. (Yeah. We don't have a rope so used an extension cord, lol.) The bottom right picture is once that first branch was down. We had to take a couple more down that were split also. :(
While we were out there anyhow, we decided to prune a few dead branches from our other tree...
We had to use the extension cord again to keep the branch from damaging the gutters. Fortunately, the branches we cleared from that tree were all dead so very light. Hopefully our trees appreciate the upkeep and stay healthy! In the meantime, we collected all the debris...
It's a fairly large pile. We were just going to try to burn it in our fire pit but, being good, checked the city's fire code first and discovered that we're not really supposed to do that...and that they're especially asking people not to use their fire pits right now anyhow because of the smoke and potential issues for those with respiratory problems (like Covid-19). Poo.
We know there are places in town we can take it all to...but they charge a fee and we don't have a truck. So, we'll just slowly add it to our yard waste container that gets picked up each week. Whew.
2. Stopping to notice the flowers. While we were outside, I stopped to take a picture of our first flower of the season.
I think we may have planted some lupine over whatever this is. Regardless, it's a happy little flower and is appreciated.
3. Scrabble. It had been a good while since we'd attempted Scrabble and now we remember why, lol. Broke out the board and all and settled in for a lengthy game...
It wasn't pretty (didn't start off well...with two four letter words). But. We enjoyed the time together...or at least I did. :) (I won, obviously, though Noah did come close...he even managed a Scrabble during the game and had another at the end that he couldn't play.)
4. Fortune cookies. We continue to try to support our local restaurants and picked up Chinese food over the weekend. The fortunes in the cookies this time were better than usual...
We particularly liked that bottom left one. :)
Beyond all that, we did some chores and watched some shows...Micah did some climbing...boys had some homework...stuff like that. How was your weekend?

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