Introverts and Extroverts

Thursday thoughts...
Last week, Micah participated in his first boys book club with some others in our homeschool group. He was pretty darn happy about the whole thing...he loves to read and he loves to talk, so what could be better? ;) He settled right in and had a grand time:
(He's in orange.) Even though the book, itself, wasn't really his cup of tea, he very much enjoyed getting to tell others what he thought about that and being with friends. (Apparently, this particular group of boys had previously had some issues getting the boys to actually talk and share. I'm fairly confident Micah has made up for that, lol. He started talking before all the boys were even there and didn't really stop. At all. Sorry for the earful, Laura!)
In any case, let's just say that my sole extrovert was quite pleased with the whole thing.
Meanwhile. My introvert-est (in a family of 4/5 introverts) came home from school today pondering why there aren't more classroom games that appeal to introverts. His Spanish class played games today that required him to *talk* to people around the room. :) He's gotten much better at making himself participate and did fine but got home asking me "what kind of people like that?" To which I pointed to his brother. :)
Also, I was reminded of this article that I read not long ago. And a friend who's going back to college has been telling me about all the group work they have to do in class that's exhausting her.
Which, I think, makes me glad to have gone to school decades ago...when an introvert like myself could sit and read in class in peace and be doing great.
(Fortunately, homeschooling has enabled us to tailor education to the needs of our individual, more quiet time for the older two and more activities with others for the youngest. Though, if I'm being honest, I probably don't do as many activities as the youngest would like. Because, hey, *I'm* still an introvert, lol.)

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